Now Other than possibly punching a hole in my oil pan... (Still need to crawl under and check that out) the Party was a fucking BLAST!
I like to think that I have helped to promote Indian Leg Wrestling... I would like to see it become an Olympic sport.
So I was pretty fuckin' Hammered Last night... Not that I was much different than I normally am... Well I think I requested more Boob shots than normal... So sue me.
We had to skedaddle early this morning.... I think Julie was seeing the tough end of a rough night this morning.
I will be editing the video down so that it has just the GOOD stuff in it.
Maine Chicks Gone wild! woo hoo.
Short blog more to come.
OK.... that was rick.... THIS is me....
"LOL!!!! that picture is a riot!"
Not sure what happened there??
ROFL, The irony that I am the one that ran over the ducky is hilarious.
I saw that this morning! It was CLASSIC! I saw the trail of oil, Bro! Is she going to live? Looks like she was leaking pretty good! I had a blast and can't wait for the edited video!
I want video!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't had a chance to do anything with the video....
I Haven't finish working on the car.... (turned out to be Power steering fluid... It was just running down over the oil pan and at the time I didn't care WHERE it was coming from... I needed to get it home.)
and I need to wake up early to put the #@*%! Snowblower back together.
Sorry I missed Porn & Breakfast this morning. Nicole I am gonna shave next time before we Indian Leg wrestle... Ingrid You and Nicole need to practice for the next party.
That picture is hillarious! I didn't realize it was under Nicole's tire untill she mentioned it...that's makes it completely hystrical!
We'll get right on practicing! I'm sure Scott will get used to the idea of watching the kids so I can go practice indian leg wrestling with his ex-wife. Totally no weird at all.
Your a blog slacker LOL.....
Yeah- you are a blog slacker! You are right, Ingrid- not weird at all! LOL
I am STILL waiting for the damned video!
Sorry Life has been kicking my ass on a regular basis lately! I will get it posted as soon as I can.
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