Sunday, November 25, 2007

Working on the truck Later

I have to go get stuff...
Yup.... need to go grab some stuff so that I can work on the truck this (Late) afternoon

All these words...
Going through another bout of Post-holiday lack of words.
So not a lot to say today.
Just that we are all alive and kicking. We will go from there.

I'll Leave you with This...
Get through the day, grab the stuff I need and fix the truck.... those are the goals I set for myself today.

That is all for now I guess.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The quiet times?

Well Black Friday is behind us and I have to admit to being happy that I needed to participate in the most removed of fashions....
Kid sitting I will do ANY day compared to volunteering to go out into THAT! *Shakes head just at the thought of it and then shudders*

Quiet Times...
Turkey day and Black Friday are behind us. So we can settle into the quiet times.
Let things wind down.
Let them slowly dissolve into a slow relaxing moment.
Oh who am I kidding.
I need to crawl under the truck this afternoon and work on the rear-end.... Any one that believes a man can work on a car and not swear like a pirate in port obviously hasn't spent much time in earshot of a man working on a vehicle.

I'll Leave you with This...
Wish me luck... and I hope everyone is getting ready for the X-mas party.... I think my Naughty gift this year is gonna be gas powered and come with a manual sized warning label. ;0P

That is all for now I guess.

Friday, November 23, 2007

House full O' hoodlums

Black Friday cometh...
The girls are out shopping and I am biding my time until the flood of crumbsnatchers come pouring down the stair and need feeding.

Turkeyday festivities...
Turkey day went well.
It was good to spend time with the fam.
It was a hard day to get through.
alot of stress with my fam. So it is like having to be a distraction and the entertainment is alot to be responsible for. I made it through.
Had a decent time came home did it all over again here with Mindy and the twins as well.
Then watched "Jingle all the way" before turning in.

I'll Leave you with This...
I Hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday and an overall great day.
Next up.... Xmas. O_o *Siiiiiiiighs*

That is all for now I guess.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gobble Gobble Gobble

Turkey Day cometh...
We have a busy schedule full of pigging out and enjoying family.

Amazing times to come...
Turkey day is the signs of times to come.
It gives you a moment to be thankful for thing that you appreciate throughout the year that has passed behind you, and a bit of time to think through how you think that things will go in the times to come.
It leads you into the Christmas mood.

All of you...
are the things that I am thankful for...
My list is actually much more specific than that... but I will leave it vague like that for now.
But if there is any moment that we have shared that made me Laugh or smile, it is a safe bet that you are on that specific list. ;0)

I'll Leave you with This...
I Hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday and an overall great day.
Great... now I sound like Mister Rogers... "It's good to be.... Your Neighbor."

That is all for now I guess.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The "Real" Story behind my Lack of bloggin'

So forget whatever I said before...
I guess I didn't accurately write how it all happened.

This is the real deal...
So I am here to tell the real story behind why Blog-slackery was afoot at my domicile.

How it all went down...
I was walking along minding my own business like those of you that know me know I have a tendency to do....

When i heard a sound.
Being the nimble witted super hero that I am by night, I sprung to my feet.... Like I was reacting to a "Clatter" that wasn't due until at least ONE more holiday was under my belt.
Using my ninja like reflexes, I responded.
With all of the quickness of a gazelle unleashed with a lion hot on it's ass I was out among the commotion. The scene was one of pandelerium and utter chaos.
There were close to sixteen rabid house cats two geese and a friggin' drunk chimp wrasslin' in the door yard.
Now I know that most would have shied away from such an Obvious trap....
But this is me we are talking about here... and mista man.... I'd have none of it.
Traps be damned... if the evil forces that seek to cripple and silence my good work were able to put me off of the good deeds which are my responsibility... well... then the terrorist have won.
I am not about to cower to those spineless little bastards that would send a liquor-soaked primate some feathered fowl and infected pussy cats to do their work.
The damn sissies were about to see what happens when you step to me in my own secret lair I tell you.

It had started before I could even think through a plan.
So the scene resembled a cheap B-rate slasher film from the seventies... bad edits and all.
I had quickly tied two of the cats tails to one another and began my assault on the remaining forces, using my pussy-chucks as the only weapon ... for the moment.
The geese were hanging back .... waiting.... I kept my eyes on the sneaky bastards.... you can't trust Migratory birds a like I tell ya.

The monkey stepped forward and the cats parted to let him through... like it had suddenly become a Kung-fu movie.
Well, all things being equal.... My Kung-Fu is STRONG! ...but he didn't know that as I have kept that a closely guarded secret from even my closest allies... my ace in the hole so to speak.
Well... the details get fuzzy but I will tell you the chimp had a reach like Shaq and a hit like a rhino on steroids (Don't ask). A few well placed kicks and it became apparent to me that a swift kick to the "Monkey Boys" has the same effect on chimps.
A head lock, and a little "OFF the top rope" action and he drifted off into a beaten down pile of drunken hurt.

I spun around and began slowly making my way to the geese. Stomping down on rabid kittens along the way. My feet were greasy with the entrails of the feral felines as I found my way to the two water fowl. They had been watching me.
studying my moves as I had battled through the onslaught of cats and the primate barrage.
They had seen most of what I was capable of.

So I swung first at the feathered beast to my right as it is my dominant hand and I tend to lead, strong and finish with a surprise.
this move was almost my downfall... as I hadn't realized they had anticipated this and the demon of a bird on my left struck as my left side remained momentarily exposed.
I went down hard , crashing to the ground clutching my side.
I know you are all worried at this point... but trust me I made it through.
Hand grasping the wound that had torn through the side of my super suit I tried to gather myself as the pair descended on me, followed by the remaining cats, including the two who were still tied into make shift nun chucks, I had dropped them at some point while battling the chimp.

I saw my opportunity as a flash of feathers missed my face.
I bit down hard and twisted.
One goose lay it a motionless pile across me as the other continued its hurried attacks on me.

I sprung to my feet renewed and plucked the gooses from the ground where it had fallen.
Using his carcass to beat what I thought to be the remaining cats into greasy piles of catsnot, I tackled the last goose. Choking him out, I dropped the balance of my substantial girth upon him in an effort to humanely end his suffering.

It was at this point that I, Battered, bruised, torn, and worn out, pulled myself to the porch and tried to go inside with the intent of blogging like I do EVERYDAY *clears throat* but... I had missed one rabid cat.
and as I reached a shaky tired hand for the door, the little bastard scratched me and spit in the wound.

Needless to say, That put me in a foul mood so I stomped him and slipped right there in what was left of him. When I came to... days had passed.
I had to RUSH to the special secret Super hero doctors hideout.
but the rain had washed all the rabid grease spots off where the cats had been before so there wasn't enough brains left over to test for rabis so I had to have secret injections which left me weak and as a side effect I was unable to blog.

So I made up the whole story about nobody reading my crap and thought that I could pass it off.
It seems you are all too smart for me and I can't pull a fast one on you...
So... That is the REAL story of why I wasn't blogging.
I hope it clears up any confusion that I may have caused with that half-assed story from before.
The end.

I'll Leave you with This...
This is just my bit of raving Electro-lunacy to celebrate my return.
I hope you have enjoyed it... because it is all true.
(and by true I mean... don't call the "White coats"... please.)

That is all for now I guess.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Okay Fine....

So I was wrong...
I guess you all do Like to read the crap I write.

Nothing amazing...
But apparently entertaining, I guess.

Another Great night...
Great time... The company was awesome, as always.
The food & the games.
We always have a great time.
I wish that Sean's Thumb band-aid hadn't stopped him from Rocking Guitar hero.... because he would have been Like fire unleashed if it hadn't been for that Damn Band-aid. ;0)

I'll Leave you with This...
I may have been premature in the giving up of the blogging....
It is quite therapeutic to be a raving Electro-lunatic.

That is all for now I guess.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Taking a break.

I am done blogging for a little while I think.

But then... no great loss I haven't reeeeeeeally been blogging lately anyway.... So no loss.

When I am in a more Blog-friendly mood I will probably pick it back up again... who knows.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Quiet Sunday

Hell of a Morning...
Today I woke up into a quiet morning of Julie looking at me and saying
"Uuum... I think the cat Peed on you"
I blinked while what she said sunk in.
Now in the past... The cat has done this before, Because she is the devil...  but I usually wake up. Immediately.
However... This time she is apparently getting smarter about pissin' on me.
The Last time my Ninja-like reflexes had her by the scruff of the neck before my eyes opened.
This time however she apparently pissed all around my feet and in between them.
I think our household is going to be one feline shy of the current count VERY soon.
She has taken to the ways of the phantoms... she has been hidden.
I don't think I want to find her right now.

A good solid night of Rocking...
The night of Guitar Hero was awesome.
I know now that I can't wait to get this game.
I need time to play it... Get used to the keys... I seem to get easily distracted while playing it.... star-power Tilt and i am screwed... I just get flustered.
So.... THAT is DEFINITELY on our X-mas list as a family.

I'll Leave you with This...
It will be a long work week without having Rick down in the shop to go hang out with during the slow times... are there ever any of those? I hope you have a Great Vaca.

That is all for now I guess.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Cool & Crisp with a side of Coffee

This morning...
I went outside with a piping hot cup of coffee this morning and stood out there while the dog ran around.
It was cool & crisp out and felt great.
I really enjoy fall.
So, I stood there kinda zoning out and breathing in the crisp air.
Sometimes being outside on a morning like that reminds me of being a kid.

Long work week...
This week was just one of those weeks when you woke up wishing it was Friday.... Starting on Monday.
But that has now come & passed. It is Saturday, and I am happily at home.

Looking through my Music...
I Have been listening to my music on repeat for a long while now.
I love all the songs on my play list, But Nicole's question on her blog

had me trying to figure out what was my All time favorite.... Well, That also prompted me to wonder something.
Have I reached a point where my musical adventure has found itself in a vacuum? I Rarely add new stuff to my play list... because I don't listen to much other than my MP3 player... where I control my play list.
I rarely listen to Radio... just on the way to and from work.
So, I was just wondering if everyone feels Like they settle into their music... you know stop looking for "The Next great New thing"?"

I'll Leave you with This...
I am not sure how far out of the Blog-Slackery this current blog will motivate me to be... but I will try to hit this spot with a little more regularity.

That is all for now I guess.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

All Hallows Eve!

Got home from work...
Did the super hero routine of changing on the run as Time was of the essence.
There was the beginnings of a Fake beards being scribbled and Pirate regalia being dawned as I ran up to get changed before Rick, Colleen & Sean showed up to go do the to do the Gravy train of all trick-or-treating in this town.... The in town mother load.
Got changed and gathered stuff together. When the "ship" arrived the newly shanghaied pirate and I  made haste to the vessel and were headed to sea.... or at least we could "see" that we were headed out for a night of plunderin' and pilliagin'.

One Lap around...
And there was a Ninja & a pirate that were dragging considerably heavier candy bags.
and both were acting as if they were getting a little tired.

Back into the Good ship "Warrior~Mom"
So we fought our way back to the ship. Dragging chests full of plundered ... (Ok, I was gonna say "Booty" but after seeing all the hoochy-mommas out tonight.... that might not sound right.....) Spoils... yes. Plundered SPOILS.
 Then after the ship pulled into port and we disembarked, we made a quick pit stop and headed off for the rougher waters of West Winterport... Known to all those who have sailed them waters and lived as "The Back Waters"

I'll Leave you with This...
Al in all it was a good night. The sugar rush around this place should be a constant for a little while I tell ya.

That is all for now I guess.