Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Tattoo

Yup... I'm doin' it

I have been designing tattoos for everyone under the sun and the other day I sat down to pen one up for myself.
I called Rick to see if he wanted to go with me and that way we can totally copy Colleen & Nicole... in fact I am going comando and I'm gonna wear a skirt.

So anyway... back to the tattoo....
I sat down to think about what I wanted....
after the briefest of moment the tattoo I wanted popped into my head.
I wasn't sure where I was gonna get a left handed transvestite midget to pose with a chainsaw, a dead cat and a bottle of champagne but then after a moment I realized that really would be a tough one to explain in the nursing home.

"Well ya see.... That there is ya typical south-paw tranny psycho... see ya can tell right there from the dead cat and the champagne I mean really, what self respectin' Hobbit would have Champagne with dead cat.... ya need something like Pabst to bring out the flavor...."

[Ooooh... and in case there is a question.... yes I fully intend to be 10 kindsa crazy when I am old... and Yes I fully expect my son to put me in a home.. I mean fer Keriist Sakes lookit me.]

So having realized that the amount of trust I would have to have in the tattooist to pull off that level of detail and pull of "the Look" I was going for... Well lets be honest... I ain't that trustin'.

I settled down at the computer and started to work on constructing the next great inkstain to grace my skin.
I was having idea after idea colliding around in my skull.
I came up with several that were "strong first choices"
[in case it helps you all sleep at night.... YES I do Air quotes... I see no problem with it. if you yourself happen to take offense to air quote abuse... well, Piss up a rope and get over yaself I ain't changin' my air quotin' way for no one... NO ONE ya hear!]

So I was trying to decide which one looked most like me.... Julie had gone in-town for a quick shopping trip and there were kids screaming through the house and soothing my nerves so that I could make a calm rational decision about what I liked best when I looked back at what I had been working on and decided to change it. I combined a few of my favorite elements and through it together in what seemed like no time at all... It just seemed perfect and right. when Julie got back I showed her the newest "Potential" tattoo. I already knew from before she left which one she had liked before... when she saw the one I had just done she was like "... wow baby... that makes me want to get a tattoo!" So I took that as one more vote for that being my next tattoo. I showed Mindy and she thought it would be perfect for me also.

"So Show us already you stallin' Prick!!!"

I know your all probably like " ...jeesuuuuuus Keeerist would you show us the fuckin' Tattoo already you long-winded Ramblin' fuck!" [or at least that is what I heard in Kristie's voice in my head... and then it sounded like she spit and put in a wad of chew as well. I think it was long cut but I couldn't be sure.]

But just like with Rick's tattoo I am not gonna post it to the web so that every drunken Frat boy or Left handed midget transvestite will be walking around sporting the same tattoo... So if you wanna see it... Weeeeeeell i am guessing the best way to do that is to drink in close proximity to where I am.... or wait until the "After pictures" get posted.

I may change my mind about posting it but we will see.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Rhapsody... I am your whore!

You heard me

Whore. whority, whore, whore!
What's that you want a little Tesla with no Music Pirates remorse... oh yeah... I'm your whore.
Are you having a Quiet Riot withdrawals.... do it up butter cup... crawl right in bed with that musical harlot and get to doing the deed.

I know Rick and Colleen have been using it for awhile... and I happily settled for my pirating ways... But I am a changed man I say.

It is kinda nice to get access to (almost) all the music one could want with out the pirate guilt.

Lil less Whore, Lil more Blog

Alright... got that outta the way.
I just wanted to say that it is nice that Colleen had the benefit of meeting Shane and now she understands that while he was the subject of many comedic routines... he is none the less every bit the wonderkid we had described him as.

Blog vacancy

I have been away for a little while I know... but I have my Brand new laptop set up and wrapped up tight into the wireless that is floating around the house here.
So I am going to try to blog a little more.
...but no promises.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Foregoing Smartassed for the rock with a msg

I Love Youtube

I swear I can't help but love the simple nature of a straight forward song.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Good & Laid

Laying it down...

The new Floor in my kitchen that is. Today was a good day.
I picked Greg up this morning and him and I pretty much cranked out the new kitchen floor.
Tomorrow we will be doing the Laundry room floor and the trim in the kitchen plus putting up the door casings.

Today it went pretty well... we cranked up "House of Hair" and just started lining things up first.
It went a little slow in the beginning because we took the time to get everything in place and do the cuts so that we would have a nice straight floor. After we got going We just flew.

So tomorrow we should have the laundry room finished too and then after it is finished it is going to be converted into a writing room / utility room.

Not an exciting post I am sure but it is another room down on the list of "Rooms to remodel" and I am slowly getting to the end of that list.

I am finished for the evening I am gonna go mix myself I heavy handed Seven & Seven and Try to come up with something witty and smart ass for my next post.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Waiting.... just waiting.

Not so patiently I have to tell you

My new Laptop should be in on the 16th I think if all goes as planned.... I should already have had it.... but NOOOOOOOO... fucking back-to-school rush fucking with the production schedule.

So not much really to say except I hate not having my own computer set up.
Not really exciting... but I WANT MY LAPTOP!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Diva's is one patriotic spot!

"So there I was...."

Picture it... Lunch time. I had stepped out to the truck for a break and as I sat down behind the wheel I saw a sight that reminded me what a great country we live in.
Now Diva's itself is not what makes me think that this is a great country... but scantily clad females is a pretty damn good reason... I know there is alot of sexiness in the eyes but somehow those middle eastern places just don't realize... looking at nothing but eyes....... uuuuuum yer missing a bit of the scenery.... I dunno maybe it's just me. **shrug** but any way.... back to my story.

So there it is in all it's skeezy glory right across the parking lot from where my windshield happens to be at that moment, Diva's. and as I smirk and size up the otherwise unimpressive brick structure I can't help but notice the signage. All of the decorative Naked Lady silhouettes bordering all of the words... here there and everywhere.
Somewhere deep inside of me I feel my mind pulled in a direction that seems in a direction one wouldn't expect while viewing Naked Lady silhouettes... It was brought about by the proclomation that they Love our soldiers....

Now... c'mon that string of insults and slams almost write themselves.
So I won't bother to say something like "Sure but that one guy on leave doesn't count as 'Our soldiers' not even if a few of them shared him"... Like I said.... too easy.

But anyway... I started looking at all of the signs tacked all over the building and after a little time reading and smiling I have to say... "God Bless those strippers for giving our boys something to look forward to coming home to" It seems those half naked and scantily clad lasses reminded me what patriotism is all about.... So the next plane that comes in full of soldiers at BIA... those fuckers are getting flashed... God bless the troops... & I intend to help out with moral for good ol Uncle Sam!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New job

Paperwork & Coffee

Well... Today was the day. First day at the new job.
It was mostly shaking hands and paperwork interrupted by coffee and lunch.
So far everything seems great... I should be looking over resumes shortly for my soon to be new employees. Looking forward to getting everything in place for my team.

More as I get it all ironed out.... nothing super exciting but everything seems to be going great.