Thursday, July 26, 2007

Who the fu.. ordered the sweat?

Was hotter than jello wrestlin' at the playboy mansion.
I mean c'mon I really would like for the weather to make up it's mind....
is it gonna be all crappy or all hot and sweaty?

Cool shit all over the friggin' place...
I have two new desks that need to be assembled and There is also that hutch that needs construction.
So I have to say ... I really should have been assembling stuff...

I seem to have been busy having sweat bead races and thinking....
Yeeeeeeeeeeah... I am TOTALLY gonna start putting that together..... as soon as it maybe cools down.... yeah... totally... yup... gonna get going on that... Woo... here I go.

If there was any doubt from that last bit up there.... I am an absolutely lazy bastard.
Well.... I have been lately.
I am looking forward to Florida.... I know that I just pissed & moaned about heat up there....
But Central Air will be in the plan for our time there.
That and your body gets used to it... IF there is some sort of Frickin' CONSISTENCY

I'll Leave you with This...
So nothing too great tonight.

That is all for now I guess.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Z'at supposed to happen???

Rick mentioned the Crazy lady.... so let me just say this....
She had me thinking 'DAMN.... This chick is a total fuckin' headcase! ... And I think she wants to eat my kidneys with some fava beans'

My mind was screaming "FUCKIN' RUN!!! NOW!!!" But that little voice in my head was Like "WTF aye!" Ooooh, in case I haven't told you all... THAT voice in me... is a Canadian Left handed midget.
Then something inside of me just made me go "Yeeeah...." and just look at her. Roughly translated that means "WTF Aye! Why are you even TALKING to me?"

Higher than A Kite...
The fumes at work made me feel like I was in high school again.
Damn I swear I didn't realize that I could still function in that capacity... but apparently I can... AND on top of that I am Amusing and apparently funny overall.

I was thinking... No really
Well I was thinking about the things I have been through and the times that I have had.
I have to say.
I think I have gotten an even shake.
I think that I wouldn't trade a bit of the Lows....
because they make me remember how good the highs were.
Like Seeing a crouched over lady.... Hearing "Watch this" and everything that came after that.
Living off that bag of Dunster's donuts and the 1/2 gal of Jack at Scott's
The street dance.
Hampden cops
Rick's Gramp's place.
Paying for tolls with empties.
Roof surfing on the mustang. Back when roof surfing seemed to be cool.
Music & drinking.
It has been on Hell of a ride.
I am glad I took it and can't wait to see where it gets me in the end.

I'll Leave you with This...
Strangeness in the way of a blog tonight but.... seems to be the mood as of Late.

That is all for now I guess.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sit Down and Walk it off!

That is what I SAID...
And I have to say I stand by my advice!!! I think I should have used it myself! ;0)

Nothing Too amazing...
Just a Little band by the name of "SkiDmarK UnderwHere and the WiiTards"


...  'Nuff Said!

Another Incredible party!
Kudos to Colleen for getting it all together... Rick for Having his celebration late when we could all unwind... and everyone else for all of the entertaining times!

As alway with one of the get-to-gethers that we all tend to frequent... We get going and then start joking and laughing and one thing seems to be the focal point.
Well we had a few this time.

1] The big Lure. That thing got some mileage!
2] Guitar Hero. I think we ALL know that I don't have what it takes to be a rockstar.... I Was NOT holding my own while ... In a "Rock-n-Roll" state of Mind. But Jessi is Scary good!!!!
3] Hotdog-in-A-Hall. I mean.... From Either side THAT is NOT a good discussion!
4] Nicole's Level of Stalkdom. I was just sayin' ... She should be thank full that the Naked NOT-Gay Room renting Umbrella adjuster hasn't set his sights any higher... he seems to be a creepy but harmless Stalker type that couldn't keep up with the Hollywood types. ;0)

And really who doesn't like to look out and see a durango with Lights out Rollin' dirty on a slow roll... THAT is when you know that your party has made it!

I'll Leave you with This...
As Always.... I am glad for the friends I have and that they are alot of fun to party with!
You guys all made it a great night! Thanks again!

That is all for now I guess.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Not so Heavy

The ride home from work with Rick had me laughin' and joking all the way home.

"Glug glug glug" goes the algae...
Have to change the filter in the pool tomorrow... we treated it with that pool shock stuff and then have been running the filter pretty much non-stop since.
It is one of those things that just falls under the Summer maintenance things I guess, and if we don't change them regularly it will end up all cloudy and gross.

Well, Aint I just a bucket full of fun
I don't seem to be that amusing as of late. I dunno.
I am looking forward to a good time tomorrow night... I am even drinking Water in preparation for the Guitar Hero rock-a-thon. ;0p

I'll Leave you with This...
How much wood could a wood chuck, chuck if a wood chuck could chuck would.... and more importantly DO THEY EVER really just Deciiiiiiiiiide to chuck wood??? I mean Like Outta the blue?  Thanks for reading Ingrid.

That is all for now I guess.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Really really really....

Something rather rare happened today.
I had a panic level urge to have a cigarette several times today.
I did not have one But It was pretty friggin' close I will tell you.

Nothing amazing...
I don't really feel as if I have anything amazing or even amusing to say tonight.
Not in a BAD way, but in a " Meh"  kinda way... Maybe it is just me.

Another title
I had a dream that i was throwing playing cards at people and hurting them.
Not like mortally wounding them but seriously poking them with them and stuff.
Not sure why.
It was strange.

I'll Leave you with This...
Do you think people get into cycles that collectively effect the group as a whole?
You know ... it is like the individuals can feel the net effect of the.... I dunno how to accurately describe it.... but Like a "Pressure without direction" closing over the world and you feel it changing moods and attitudes of the people you are with or around?

I dunno... Maybe it is just me?

That is all for now I guess.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Living Like a Rock star!

The Life of a rockstar...
Well... I swear today was one of the reasons I really love working where I do....
I have been putting in some long hours lately since Lighting struck on Friday.
It has been one issue after the next and I have been constantly working on something or other.
When we finally got the phones online and functioning the Voice mail equipment still wasn't working Like it should be.
After plenty of Creative work I got the cards I needed to function working and installed and brought the equipment back up.

When I got in to work this morning My boss sent out a message thanking me and telling everyone that I had saved the company $$ and should be thank when they saw me.

As the day went on I was getting thanked so much while walking around that it was like being a rock star... well... with out all the excessive drinking, addiction, Groupies and the world tour thing.... but other wise.... JUST Like being a rock star.

Well needles to say It made today a very good day.
I am still longing for the weekend.

I'll Leave you with This...
In general... I am ready for Drinks and Guitar hero 1 & 2 Now if Ingrid suddenly starts Playing Guitar hero and drinkin' Crown & Cokes or Seventy-Sevens..... I am gonna get serious stalk points... But she's NOT a rock star.... I'm a rock star!

That is all for now I guess.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Voice mail, Food poisoning and Guitar Hero. Oh my.

Worked Late... AGAIN!
I ended up working late again tonight.
I swear I am damn tired lately.
On the up side, I got the Voice mail system fixed and saved work a decent amount of Cash.

Food poisoning...
I swear I will never Eats food from "Deb's Variety" EVER again. NEVER!

Guitar Hero 1 & 2
I have a copy of Guitar Hero 1 & 2 and a wireless Guitar....

What is the problem you ask?
Well... We don't have a PS2.
I talked to Shawn who has stared looking around with his friends to see what turns up.

Why do I have the Games then?
Well... I have been reading up on ways to Hack the game and include the songs that you want.
So I am working on that now.
I really am a true geek.
*does air guitar pose*

I'll Leave you with This...
In general... I am looking forward to Saturday.... Good friends and plenty of Birthday fun.

That is all for now I guess.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Happy Birthday To a truly great Bud!

I figured that this would would be about the best Happy Birthday I could throw your way... I mean other than Knocking back a some drinks with Slash himself.
Happy Birthday Bro!

Oooh And just because I know it is Ingrid's Fave....

and one for me.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Triple Sevens

Triple Sevens... Lucky... We'll see.
Well, for 7/7/07 the Morning Damn sure wasn't all that friggin' lucky, But we will see how the night plays out.

Fun Tonight...
Had a great time at Rick & Colleen's.
I missed hanging out with them... so it was nice to get together and bitch and laugh and generally have a good time and a few drinks

Another Blog???
Well... The Last one was to take care of the Tagging I received and this one is to say thanks for the great night.

I'll Leave you with This...
I think I get double credit for the dual blog. Off to Stalk.

That is all for now I guess.

Tagged.... Like frickin' forever ago.

The Rules...
I was tagged by Colleen like FOREVER ago.
However, I seem to be an absolute Blog Slack~Ass.

So this is how it works. I must post the rules (That would be these), 7 random things about me (I am getting to that part) and then tag others to do the same (Ingrid, I think it's just me and you doll face... So I pretty much am just gonna pick you... Just a warning). Sound fair enough, right? These are the rules…. each player starts with 7 random facts about themselves on their Blog. People who are tagged need to blog 7 facts about themselves and post the rules as well. At the end of their blog list 7 people you are tagging. Let them know that they are tagged by leaving them a comment.

My Seven facts...
My facts go a Little something like this:

1.] I didn't think I would live this long... so every day is like a bonus.

2.] My first serious relationship was my First day of School... on the bus. We had on the same jacket except hers was pink and mine was Blue.... Now I know you are all saying.... but Your PARENTS bought those coats for both of you... and to you I say... I was in Kindergarten for Christ's sakes... It was important to us! I mean C'mon.... Brad and Angelina's relationship is about as flimsy!

3.] When I was young I thought I seriously was gonna be a rock star.... Like seriously BELIEVED it was just a matter of time... So I started trying to erode my liver early and get hooked on what I could.... As a Rock star I wouldn't need any Pesky "Filtration system" for the temple of the rock god! ya know that whole Beautiful corpse thing.

4.] I was electrocuted. ...and what I remember of it.... wasn't fun. and it sure as hell didn't look anything like in the cartoons!

5.] I write poetry

6.] I like the number nine... In fact I like it so much that I actually gave it the proper respect of actually spelling it out as opposed to just typing "9" like everyone else does. 13 is my second favorite number... but obviously it doesn't rate as high... ya know with the whole "13" straight up typed out there. yup... this is the shit that infects my thoughts.

7.] I stalk Ingrid..... A lot. Like really. Seriously... I probably have a different window open right now checking out whatever she has written about. Nothing gives me greater pleasure. Well okay... that part isn't true... but it is a pretty decent way to pass some time.

...and By "Facts" you meant "Reality based facts" Right?
Juuuuuust checkin'. Seriously.... those are real.

I'll Leave you with This...
I know I haven't blogged in awhile... So... There it is. It is the first step in my recovery.

That is all for now I guess.