What the Hell.... you'd think we lived in one of the northern states or something!!!!
Alright, I am already done with the whole "Nut-freezin' cold" time of the year! Where do we sign up for the weather that will bring my testicles back down out of my abdomen? I mean I went through this once before and after the pimples and squeaky voice I thought I was done with it.
But at least the cold brings in the "most wonderful time of the year" [I can't take credit for that... I totally pinched it from a song... So you may have recognized the phrasing.]
I mean c'mon. How could it NOT be the most wonderful time of the year? we're talking presents and egg nog and presents and chestnuts roasting on an open fire....
Though that last one probably isn't so great if you own either the chest or the nuts that are being roasted or if the "Open Fire" gets a bit out of hand when you realize that it will be you Bits that will be going in over the lickin' flames. Well I mean who knows... maybe your into that.... All I know is if it gets much colder I might take a pass at it myself!
But I digress....
So I am looking forward to Christmas this year. The kids are gonna get spoiled rotten!
NOTHIN' wrong with that I tell ya... in moderation any way.
So this post proves that I am still alive. I have been busy as all hell lately. rebuilding computers in every nook & cranny in the house.
So hopefully I will be less of a blog slacker and get more posted. I think I will do a List like Julie did of my 10 Things... and to be honest... I don't know which things will make it to the top ten at the moment... so I will have to think about it.
More as I get the chance....