Lemme explain...
hab·er·dash·er·y [hab-er-dash-uh-ree]
–noun, plural -er·ies.
1. | a haberdasher's shop. |
2. | the goods sold there. |
hab·er·dash·er [hab-er-dash-er]
1. | a retail dealer in men's furnishings, as shirts, ties, gloves, socks, and hats. |
2. | Chiefly British. a dealer in small wares and notions. |
[Origin: 1275–1325; ME haberdasshere, of obscure orig.; cf. AF habredache haberdashery, hapertas perh. a kind of cloth

No really, Lemme explain...
The title came from the party we had on Saturday...
Both of those Gems Happened to drift out of my mouth during the game of 31.
First lets get to the Tossin' off part....
~[Snicker to himself]~
What I MEANT to say was Throwing off a card in reference to Julie throwing down a card that may be needed by Rick... However...
"Toss one off" is how it came out.... Which caused and moment of silence before every one looked at me and we all pretty much started laughing.
to which I followed up with a sentence involving "Haberdashery" and everyone looked at me like I was retread and making up words.... To which I swore it was a real word... and told them so... the usage I was most familiar with was in reference to a men's hat shop.... I have since found out that it encompasses SO MUCH MORE!
As always...
I had a great time at the party... and I think that every one there did as well.
I know Shawn did he called to have me arrange a Madden play-off with Rick.
I'll Leave you with This...
It is all fun and games unless what your "Tossin' Off" in the Haberdashery isn't a hat... That's all I'm sayin'
That is all for now I guess.
You are such a goober. And let's use the "tossing off" thing the way that it came out of your mouth.
I believe you said, as I put a card down and RIck took it...
"What. It's not like your tossing off to me."
:) It's O.K. baby just sit down and walk it off it will be OK
Glad you all can toss one off together next week at the habadashery while I am OUT OF STATE!!
And I'm sure it wasn't the first time Rick tossed off to Jerry... no harm done.
I have NEVER tossed off to Jerry! OMG- you are queer! I hope your new camera comes broken! LOL
oh MY!!! :-O
OK- I don't really hope it is broken! I hope it is everything you want in camera and more!
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