Sunday, December 16, 2007
THAT is what I bring to the party.
It was a hell of a good time...
I think that most of work should have something to talk about come Monday.
So, when the party gets to that point when "someone" has to tuck a jacket under their shirt and prance around while touching themselves seductively. THAT is when you know it is a good one.
Hell, I.... um I mean "The person" even had to do an encore performance.
The evening was great.
I won some prizes and I think i cemented my place in history as far as work goes.
I wasn't even wrecked or anything.
But the way that bartender was mixing it would've taken.... oh I dunno about thirty-three drinks to get hammered. ;0)
It was a great night.
I will write a better version of the evenings goings-ons in awhile and post it when I get a chance.
Many Thanks...
To Rick & Colleen. For getting my foot in the door so that I could make it to the Xmas party.
I'll Leave you with This...
I can't wait until the Xmas party at Rick & Colleens. Look forward to seeing everyone there.
That is all for now I guess.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Snow Day... Yeah right
It was a crappy day of driving in behind some jackass that was in his new mustang.
If by anychance that gentleman happens to read this... I would like to post a comment just for him.
"You sir, are a fuxStick... if you are going to buy a car that you only feel safe driving Five Fahkin' miles an hour... Do the world a favor stay home polish your car and then take your own life. please."
I mean for the love of peanut butter and jelly (actually Strawberry preserves to be more accurate) My truck doesn't even register til ten friggin' miles an hour... and before anyone asks. YES that is how it is labeled on the dash "10 Friggin' MPH... 20 Friggin' MPH... 30 Friggin' MPH " the verb changes after 70. ;P to that "Other" F-word I like.
So yeah this jack ass was going along clogging up the arteries of life.
I wanted to throw the truck in park, walk up next to him and tap on his window and ask if he needed me to push him out of the way.... because I wasn't sure if he was moving or not...
Then follow up with "Race ya for pink slips there speed racer."
Stupid annoying people piss me off.... in case you hadn't gathered as much.
All these words...
So Winter is here.... Damn it!
I'll Leave you with This...
Oh... I got the truck fixed.... but you probably guess from the winter road rage blog up there.
That is all for now I guess.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Working on the truck Later
Yup.... need to go grab some stuff so that I can work on the truck this (Late) afternoon
All these words...
Going through another bout of Post-holiday lack of words.
So not a lot to say today.
Just that we are all alive and kicking. We will go from there.
I'll Leave you with This...
Get through the day, grab the stuff I need and fix the truck.... those are the goals I set for myself today.
That is all for now I guess.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The quiet times?
Well Black Friday is behind us and I have to admit to being happy that I needed to participate in the most removed of fashions....
Kid sitting I will do ANY day compared to volunteering to go out into THAT! *Shakes head just at the thought of it and then shudders*
Quiet Times...
Turkey day and Black Friday are behind us. So we can settle into the quiet times.
Let things wind down.
Let them slowly dissolve into a slow relaxing moment.
Oh who am I kidding.
I need to crawl under the truck this afternoon and work on the rear-end.... Any one that believes a man can work on a car and not swear like a pirate in port obviously hasn't spent much time in earshot of a man working on a vehicle.
I'll Leave you with This...
Wish me luck... and I hope everyone is getting ready for the X-mas party.... I think my Naughty gift this year is gonna be gas powered and come with a manual sized warning label. ;0P
That is all for now I guess.
Friday, November 23, 2007
House full O' hoodlums
The girls are out shopping and I am biding my time until the flood of crumbsnatchers come pouring down the stair and need feeding.
Turkeyday festivities...
Turkey day went well.
It was good to spend time with the fam.
It was a hard day to get through.
alot of stress with my fam. So it is like having to be a distraction and the entertainment is alot to be responsible for. I made it through.
Had a decent time came home did it all over again here with Mindy and the twins as well.
Then watched "Jingle all the way" before turning in.
I'll Leave you with This...
I Hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday and an overall great day.
Next up.... Xmas. O_o *Siiiiiiiighs*
That is all for now I guess.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Gobble Gobble Gobble
We have a busy schedule full of pigging out and enjoying family.
Amazing times to come...
Turkey day is the signs of times to come.
It gives you a moment to be thankful for thing that you appreciate throughout the year that has passed behind you, and a bit of time to think through how you think that things will go in the times to come.
It leads you into the Christmas mood.
All of you...
are the things that I am thankful for...
My list is actually much more specific than that... but I will leave it vague like that for now.
But if there is any moment that we have shared that made me Laugh or smile, it is a safe bet that you are on that specific list. ;0)
I'll Leave you with This...
I Hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday and an overall great day.
Great... now I sound like Mister Rogers... "It's good to be.... Your Neighbor."
That is all for now I guess.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The "Real" Story behind my Lack of bloggin'
I guess I didn't accurately write how it all happened.
This is the real deal...
So I am here to tell the real story behind why Blog-slackery was afoot at my domicile.
How it all went down...
I was walking along minding my own business like those of you that know me know I have a tendency to do....
When i heard a sound.
Being the nimble witted super hero that I am by night, I sprung to my feet.... Like I was reacting to a "Clatter" that wasn't due until at least ONE more holiday was under my belt.
Using my ninja like reflexes, I responded.
With all of the quickness of a gazelle unleashed with a lion hot on it's ass I was out among the commotion. The scene was one of pandelerium and utter chaos.
There were close to sixteen rabid house cats two geese and a friggin' drunk chimp wrasslin' in the door yard.
Now I know that most would have shied away from such an Obvious trap....
But this is me we are talking about here... and mista man.... I'd have none of it.
Traps be damned... if the evil forces that seek to cripple and silence my good work were able to put me off of the good deeds which are my responsibility... well... then the terrorist have won.
I am not about to cower to those spineless little bastards that would send a liquor-soaked primate some feathered fowl and infected pussy cats to do their work.
The damn sissies were about to see what happens when you step to me in my own secret lair I tell you.
It had started before I could even think through a plan.
So the scene resembled a cheap B-rate slasher film from the seventies... bad edits and all.
I had quickly tied two of the cats tails to one another and began my assault on the remaining forces, using my pussy-chucks as the only weapon ... for the moment.
The geese were hanging back .... waiting.... I kept my eyes on the sneaky bastards.... you can't trust Migratory birds a like I tell ya.
The monkey stepped forward and the cats parted to let him through... like it had suddenly become a Kung-fu movie.
Well, all things being equal.... My Kung-Fu is STRONG! ...but he didn't know that as I have kept that a closely guarded secret from even my closest allies... my ace in the hole so to speak.
Well... the details get fuzzy but I will tell you the chimp had a reach like Shaq and a hit like a rhino on steroids (Don't ask). A few well placed kicks and it became apparent to me that a swift kick to the "Monkey Boys" has the same effect on chimps.
A head lock, and a little "OFF the top rope" action and he drifted off into a beaten down pile of drunken hurt.
I spun around and began slowly making my way to the geese. Stomping down on rabid kittens along the way. My feet were greasy with the entrails of the feral felines as I found my way to the two water fowl. They had been watching me.
studying my moves as I had battled through the onslaught of cats and the primate barrage.
They had seen most of what I was capable of.
So I swung first at the feathered beast to my right as it is my dominant hand and I tend to lead, strong and finish with a surprise.
this move was almost my downfall... as I hadn't realized they had anticipated this and the demon of a bird on my left struck as my left side remained momentarily exposed.
I went down hard , crashing to the ground clutching my side.
I know you are all worried at this point... but trust me I made it through.
Hand grasping the wound that had torn through the side of my super suit I tried to gather myself as the pair descended on me, followed by the remaining cats, including the two who were still tied into make shift nun chucks, I had dropped them at some point while battling the chimp.
I saw my opportunity as a flash of feathers missed my face.
I bit down hard and twisted.
One goose lay it a motionless pile across me as the other continued its hurried attacks on me.
I sprung to my feet renewed and plucked the gooses from the ground where it had fallen.
Using his carcass to beat what I thought to be the remaining cats into greasy piles of catsnot, I tackled the last goose. Choking him out, I dropped the balance of my substantial girth upon him in an effort to humanely end his suffering.
It was at this point that I, Battered, bruised, torn, and worn out, pulled myself to the porch and tried to go inside with the intent of blogging like I do EVERYDAY *clears throat* but... I had missed one rabid cat.
and as I reached a shaky tired hand for the door, the little bastard scratched me and spit in the wound.
Needless to say, That put me in a foul mood so I stomped him and slipped right there in what was left of him. When I came to... days had passed.
I had to RUSH to the special secret Super hero doctors hideout.
but the rain had washed all the rabid grease spots off where the cats had been before so there wasn't enough brains left over to test for rabis so I had to have secret injections which left me weak and as a side effect I was unable to blog.
So I made up the whole story about nobody reading my crap and thought that I could pass it off.
It seems you are all too smart for me and I can't pull a fast one on you...
So... That is the REAL story of why I wasn't blogging.
I hope it clears up any confusion that I may have caused with that half-assed story from before.
The end.
I'll Leave you with This...
This is just my bit of raving Electro-lunacy to celebrate my return.
I hope you have enjoyed it... because it is all true.
(and by true I mean... don't call the "White coats"... please.)
That is all for now I guess.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Okay Fine....
I guess you all do Like to read the crap I write.
Nothing amazing...
But apparently entertaining, I guess.
Another Great night...
Great time... The company was awesome, as always.
The food & the games.
We always have a great time.
I wish that Sean's Thumb band-aid hadn't stopped him from Rocking Guitar hero.... because he would have been Like fire unleashed if it hadn't been for that Damn Band-aid. ;0)
I'll Leave you with This...
I may have been premature in the giving up of the blogging....
It is quite therapeutic to be a raving Electro-lunatic.
That is all for now I guess.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Taking a break.
But then... no great loss I haven't reeeeeeeally been blogging lately anyway.... So no loss.
When I am in a more Blog-friendly mood I will probably pick it back up again... who knows.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Quiet Sunday
Today I woke up into a quiet morning of Julie looking at me and saying
"Uuum... I think the cat Peed on you"
I blinked while what she said sunk in.
Now in the past... The cat has done this before, Because she is the devil... but I usually wake up. Immediately.
However... This time she is apparently getting smarter about pissin' on me.
The Last time my Ninja-like reflexes had her by the scruff of the neck before my eyes opened.
This time however she apparently pissed all around my feet and in between them.
I think our household is going to be one feline shy of the current count VERY soon.
She has taken to the ways of the phantoms... she has been hidden.
I don't think I want to find her right now.
A good solid night of Rocking...
The night of Guitar Hero was awesome.
I know now that I can't wait to get this game.
I need time to play it... Get used to the keys... I seem to get easily distracted while playing it.... star-power Tilt and i am screwed... I just get flustered.
So.... THAT is DEFINITELY on our X-mas list as a family.
I'll Leave you with This...
It will be a long work week without having Rick down in the shop to go hang out with during the slow times... are there ever any of those? I hope you have a Great Vaca.
That is all for now I guess.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Cool & Crisp with a side of Coffee
I went outside with a piping hot cup of coffee this morning and stood out there while the dog ran around.
It was cool & crisp out and felt great.
I really enjoy fall.
So, I stood there kinda zoning out and breathing in the crisp air.
Sometimes being outside on a morning like that reminds me of being a kid.
Long work week...
This week was just one of those weeks when you woke up wishing it was Friday.... Starting on Monday.
But that has now come & passed. It is Saturday, and I am happily at home.
Looking through my Music...
I Have been listening to my music on repeat for a long while now.
I love all the songs on my play list, But Nicole's question on her blog
had me trying to figure out what was my All time favorite.... Well, That also prompted me to wonder something.
Have I reached a point where my musical adventure has found itself in a vacuum? I Rarely add new stuff to my play list... because I don't listen to much other than my MP3 player... where I control my play list.
I rarely listen to Radio... just on the way to and from work.
So, I was just wondering if everyone feels Like they settle into their music... you know stop looking for "The Next great New thing"?"
I'll Leave you with This...
I am not sure how far out of the Blog-Slackery this current blog will motivate me to be... but I will try to hit this spot with a little more regularity.
That is all for now I guess.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
All Hallows Eve!
Did the super hero routine of changing on the run as Time was of the essence.
There was the beginnings of a Fake beards being scribbled and Pirate regalia being dawned as I ran up to get changed before Rick, Colleen & Sean showed up to go do the to do the Gravy train of all trick-or-treating in this town.... The in town mother load.
Got changed and gathered stuff together. When the "ship" arrived the newly shanghaied pirate and I made haste to the vessel and were headed to sea.... or at least we could "see" that we were headed out for a night of plunderin' and pilliagin'.
One Lap around...
And there was a Ninja & a pirate that were dragging considerably heavier candy bags.
and both were acting as if they were getting a little tired.
Back into the Good ship "Warrior~Mom"
So we fought our way back to the ship. Dragging chests full of plundered ... (Ok, I was gonna say "Booty" but after seeing all the hoochy-mommas out tonight.... that might not sound right.....) Spoils... yes. Plundered SPOILS.
Then after the ship pulled into port and we disembarked, we made a quick pit stop and headed off for the rougher waters of West Winterport... Known to all those who have sailed them waters and lived as "The Back Waters"
I'll Leave you with This...
Al in all it was a good night. The sugar rush around this place should be a constant for a little while I tell ya.
That is all for now I guess.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Working for the Weekend seems to have backfired.
The party was good Last night.
Great food.
Good company, and it was good to see Shawn again.
Plenty of Laughs and Stories of last years shenanigans.
I had to work Friday night... pretty much ALL night. So I finished working and left the office at 6am on Saturday and drove home. I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow..... Until of course.... I got three more calls spaced out about 15 -45 mins apart. I will be Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Happy to give up this on-call come Monday morning!
So, Having said THAT...
I was pretty much exhausted before the party even got started.
I was intending to have a few drinks at the party... but the way my luck had worked that far.... I didn't feel like pressing my luck. I had one drink and then spent the rest of the night topping off the Ice and Sprite.
I'll Leave you with This...
I am ready for a week of "Not on duty" action I tell you!
That is all for now I guess.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Looking forward to the party!
I am tired as all get out... but that won't slow down my roll I tell you!!!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
TV Habits
and decided to blog.
SO while wandering through every inch of the blogosphere I stalk with any sort of regularity I decided to take a crack at Nicole's TV watching poll thingy. My TV habits, Like me are a spastic grouping of unrelated topics. So here goes.
Current Visual Stimulation...
Well, I am just gonna churn of the list of shows that I care enough to watch with any amount of regularity.
Saving Grace
Cold Case
Most Haunted
Law & Order
Law & Order: SVU
Law & Order: Criminal intent
Flash from the past
I'll Leave you with This...
I feel as if I am not thinking of some stuff that I watch.... but I am tired... So I guess that'll do... for now.
That is all for now I guess.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Talk about what you know...
What I seem to know best is Crazy... So here goes.
The shit that me and Rick talk about during an average day...
Probably isn't funny to any one but us... but Man...
When it comes down to having a rough day there isn't anything like ripping on good Old "buckle" to make the day better.
Christ we even have Shooter in the know about Old Buckle.
I Reeeeeeeeally wanna sell you a tractor...
I think it is times like rides to and from work that make me know why Rick and I have been buds forever.
I am after all an Anti-social prick.
I went to get something to drink and...
I had to get creative.
NO I did NOT mix myself up a "Strrrrrroooooong" Coffee brandy [Wooooah that's Strong! Stick with whole milk bub.... it does the body good!]
Did you know that lemon concentrate ain't that bad..... if you have the right mixer. :D
Top Ten reasons I had a great time at the party...
10. The company that was present.
9. I FINALLY got caught up on ALL the Hollywood trash I had fallen behind in.
8.The Conversation in general.
7. Every time that Sean would say "guys,Guys, Listen to me..." Sophie would Blow into the straw and start laughing.
6. The marriage proposal story. Sean cracks me up.
5. I learned the proper way to watch sports... I am still thinking that after Like maybe Five minutes you be like... I can NOT even SEE the game from here!
4. The re-enactment by Colleen of the Lotion motion "incident"
3.Three words: Spinach. artichoke. dip. It is the best way I have ever seen to hid spinach EVER!
2.Monkey Bread... I mean c'mon. Need I say any more?
1. Sophie showed me a use for all those straws. That was the coolest... Sorry but it even edged out the Monkey bread and Spinach dip.
I'll Leave you with This...
I look forward to seeing everyone again on Saturday.
That is all for now I guess.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Trying to be funny with a case of the sniffles...
I have been trying to avoid the cold That has gone around the house.
...but I seem to have lost that battle.
So I figure... What better time to Mix a stiff drink and not care that I feel Miserable.
The ride in and Home were the Highlights today.
The new kid is doing good overall... but I feel like I am babysitting on somethings.
It irritated me today, because I ended up sweeping up something at the eleventh hour that should have been done... oh I dunno Monday or Tuesday. Over all he is a good kid... I am probably just in a mood because I don't feel great... who knows.
And that was when they let the monkeys go
and I think they bow hunt.... but NOT in the morning.... ya NEVER get anything in the morning. :D
So there are those moments when I just feel like someone has got it coming to em.
I take great pleasure in not letting something go if I feel like getting under someone's skin.
Who knew?
So even when I am under the weather... I can be a pain in the ass.
Just a distraction... nothin' more...
So there I was...
It must have been all of noon-thirty when they broke over the horizon.
They started in with the most blood curdling scream you ever have heard.
A lesser man may have run... but to be honest... I had a cramp... and running didn't seem to fit with my "Low impact" training regimen.
I hunkered down low... figuring I could probably use my "Pretend to be hurt and then spring on them like a ninja" move.
I have perfected it... so I knew it was my best bet.
So before they came into range I flopped my way to the best position available.
I could hear the thundering hooves.... or whatever... it sounded scary.
Listening close for an organized battlecry... I heard none.... I knew at that point this was going to be a different sorta fight.
As I lay there thinking that I may still have time to pretend to be from outta town or something the first of them crested the slight incline closest to me. The move I pulled next can only be described as Frickin' magnificent!
I mean really.
It even amazed me.
This is ME we are talking about here.
So after dispatching with the first of my foes.... I pounced.
Grabbing the next combatant by a tassel of hair. Twisting slightly and and dropping my weight onto the form writhing below me. The movement ceased.
It seemed that as soon as One was down another crawled on. battling through the intense pain and ignoring the screams ringing in my ears I fought them. Each one as they came... I meet them on the ground between us... and I put them down.
We battled for what seemed an eternity...
Soon, I tired and realized that the numbers seem to be fading.
I quickly scaled to higher ground to grab the momentary advantage.
I was hungry and battle weary as the last of my enemies was Laid down at my feet.
Breathing hard and sweating I walked from that place.
.... and that was the LAST time I babysat!
Then I made a sandwich and watched a movie while the kids all slept.
I'll Leave you with This...
What happens if you are shadow boxing and lose?
That is all for now I guess.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Uuuuum, So I think I remember how to do this...
The basics
The flights in were good... Not GREAT... but decent.
The convention is going great so far. Classes are good... plenty to keep busy.
Got a few new tricks that I learned so that is good.
And then...
We were sitting out by the pool and talking when I looked around and laughed.
The three of us, as soon as we left the classes or the convention center we would take off our badges (because they are pretty fucking geeky looking, to be honest) but as I looked around there are all these doofuses STRUTTING around like they were wearing a frigging backstage pass (and trust me... I know what that Strut looks like) ;0)
So I asked the guys 'Is it just me... or do these guys think that that thing is a "I'm a fucking rockstar" badge or something?' I swear... some of these guys must not get out much... and a few look like they haven't gotten laid in god knows how long.
...And this just might be my cynical nature so correct me if I am wrong ladies.... But in the list of "guys that you would throw panties at"... Some random schmo at a Trucking industry based Computer convention doesn't seem like it would rate real high... Hell I may be way off base... But I think not.
SO it has been entertaining to watch... I mean you can almost smell the desperation on these guys... that and aqua velvet Limited edition "Manscent" but I suppose there probably is some horned up Trucking industry based Computer groupie.
~shudders at the thought~
Great... I am not going to Unthink that now... I will be sitting in class tomorrow and look around see some girl and think "She's a total groupie"
Vendor Whoring
I swear the Vendors love this place.... they have expense accounts .... and aren't afraid to use them!
They can justify eating the way they want as long as they are taking out clients or potential clients.... So THAT has worked in out favor.
I'll Leave you with This...
Having a good time but can't wait to get home
That is all for now I guess.
Monday, August 27, 2007
The No-Blog Blog
I haven't really been keeping up.
Just in a strange mood lately I guess.
Can't really explain it.
The Concert...
Was amazing.
I figured it would be so that isn't really all that surprising.
I have plenty of trinkets and evidence of the good times that was had
I'll Leave you with This...
This is one of the times where I don't think I have anything really funny to type.
That is all for now I guess.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Toss One Off at the Habadashery
Lemme explain...

1. | a haberdasher's shop. |
2. | the goods sold there. |

1. | a retail dealer in men's furnishings, as shirts, ties, gloves, socks, and hats. |
2. | Chiefly British. a dealer in small wares and notions. |

No really, Lemme explain...
The title came from the party we had on Saturday...
Both of those Gems Happened to drift out of my mouth during the game of 31.
First lets get to the Tossin' off part....
~[Snicker to himself]~
What I MEANT to say was Throwing off a card in reference to Julie throwing down a card that may be needed by Rick... However...
"Toss one off" is how it came out.... Which caused and moment of silence before every one looked at me and we all pretty much started laughing.
to which I followed up with a sentence involving "Haberdashery" and everyone looked at me like I was retread and making up words.... To which I swore it was a real word... and told them so... the usage I was most familiar with was in reference to a men's hat shop.... I have since found out that it encompasses SO MUCH MORE!
As always...
I had a great time at the party... and I think that every one there did as well.
I know Shawn did he called to have me arrange a Madden play-off with Rick.
I'll Leave you with This...
It is all fun and games unless what your "Tossin' Off" in the Haberdashery isn't a hat... That's all I'm sayin'
That is all for now I guess.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
As the party approaches...
We ... and by "We" I mean Julie and (her uncle) Ray got all of the stuff ready for the party type gathering tonight... and we (This is the part I excelled at here) were just sorta lounging around with the Boob tube on when the satellite got knocked out.... So no more dish for however long until the atmospheric disturbances pass over.
I am hoping that it doesn't end up dumping a storm on us... but that would be about my luck.
I am such a geek...
I have been passing away the time with my hands wedged into Mindy & Shawn's new computer.
The got a really sweet system but Absolutely hated Vista.
Hated it so much in fact that he dropped it off when he was on his way to work Friday night.
I have rebuilt it and I am trying to get everything running and in working order on XP....
Some of the hardware was designed for Vista... so it has been a bit of a struggle in spots.
But.... I am pretty sure that no one really cares about the detail.
Another Brush with fame... coming up
I am looking forward to hanging out with Godsmack and watching the concert next Thursday....
I dunno if any of you know this or not but The Smack and me..... where like "This" (does the finger crossed motion).
Oooooooooooooooh yeah.
But all kidding aside... I am looking forward to the show.
I'll Leave you with This...
Ya know... we've got wireless this.... and wireless that... has any one thought about what all of the "Wire Haytahs" out there are doing to the self esteem of the poor old wires??? Huh? yeah... 'ats what I thought. No love for the wires.
That is all for now I guess.
In a mood I guess...
There are things I know about me.
Things I accept.
I am moody.
I know this.
I just get aggravated with myself when I get like this.
It is like being in a spiral I can't get out of or even understand.
It doesn't really make for good blogging... but It seems to be the way it is I guess.
So I guess this means...
This is gonna be another one of my blogs that just seems to illicit those "Are you okay?" or ", okay" kinda responses.
So sorry I haven't been that entertaining as of late.
I will try to come up with something light-hearted for my next blog.
Just a filler
I just put on some tunes.... That should help.
I'll Leave you with This...
I am fine.
Just in a mood.
That is all for now I guess.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Nothing Wrong
Was just a regular old day.
Nothing amazing...
Least not that I am remembering at the moment.
Me Rick and Shoot were laughin' at the end of the day pretty damn hard.
So that put a positive spin on the day.
Blah Blah Blah...
I feel like I really haven't much to say... I mean It feels Like I might as well be typing "Text Text Text, Text Text, Text Text ity Text Text Text" But I dunno.... maybe it is just me.
By the Way
I guess the last blog sounded biligerent and off... I don't think I intended for it to going in.... but... Meh... I guess it happens.
Maybe I should sleep more.
I'll Leave you with This...
Well it seems I have actually not really Blog a whole hell of a lot now doesn't it? I am gonna crash I think.
That is all for now I guess.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Not A real blog but...
Damn, THAT was a long ass Section title
Nothing amazing...
I know but... I guess I was just in a mood... who knew?
Another time
I will attempt to construct an at least slightly humorous retelling of the adventures in the far-away land of "Not-at-work"... but for know... I dunno... I guess my brain isn't working...
and to be honest I think I blame it on a combination of Axe & Tag body spray commercials and probably some residual Sonic's withdrawals.
Smooth in my mind
Ever have those things that start out as a simple thought in your mind... And to you they make sense... But even attempting to explain them... It makes em melt away into the air around you? Leaving you with less than the slightest clue how to explain your thoughts. Probably none of this makes any sense... But why don't we just leave it with the label that I have been having those moments and temporary bouts of deep and philosophical brain infections.
I'll Leave you with This...
Basically I have had that Everlast song "Saving Grace" stuck in my head until I was forced to get it... and the friggin' Lyrics...
I am hummin' the fuckin' thing when I close my eyes...
and That leads to visions of Holly Hunter in a Less Than Graceful Life, with that slight stagger and Lip that drawls off to one side slightly.
Some thing about Everlast... I Really can't explain it... I actually like the odd raspy distant sound in his voice. One of those things that maybe not everyone knows or gets about me... I am sure it isn't something everybody gets into... But Hey... I don't remember the last time I really gave a fuck when that mattered to me.
That is all for now I guess.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Who the fu.. ordered the sweat?
Was hotter than jello wrestlin' at the playboy mansion.
I mean c'mon I really would like for the weather to make up it's mind....
is it gonna be all crappy or all hot and sweaty?
Cool shit all over the friggin' place...
I have two new desks that need to be assembled and There is also that hutch that needs construction.
So I have to say ... I really should have been assembling stuff...
I seem to have been busy having sweat bead races and thinking....
Yeeeeeeeeeeah... I am TOTALLY gonna start putting that together..... as soon as it maybe cools down.... yeah... totally... yup... gonna get going on that... Woo... here I go.
If there was any doubt from that last bit up there.... I am an absolutely lazy bastard.
Well.... I have been lately.
I am looking forward to Florida.... I know that I just pissed & moaned about heat up there....
But Central Air will be in the plan for our time there.
That and your body gets used to it... IF there is some sort of Frickin' CONSISTENCY
I'll Leave you with This...
So nothing too great tonight.
That is all for now I guess.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Z'at supposed to happen???
Rick mentioned the Crazy lady.... so let me just say this....
She had me thinking 'DAMN.... This chick is a total fuckin' headcase! ... And I think she wants to eat my kidneys with some fava beans'
My mind was screaming "FUCKIN' RUN!!! NOW!!!" But that little voice in my head was Like "WTF aye!" Ooooh, in case I haven't told you all... THAT voice in me... is a Canadian Left handed midget.
Then something inside of me just made me go "Yeeeah...." and just look at her. Roughly translated that means "WTF Aye! Why are you even TALKING to me?"
Higher than A Kite...
The fumes at work made me feel like I was in high school again.
Damn I swear I didn't realize that I could still function in that capacity... but apparently I can... AND on top of that I am Amusing and apparently funny overall.
I was thinking... No really
Well I was thinking about the things I have been through and the times that I have had.
I have to say.
I think I have gotten an even shake.
I think that I wouldn't trade a bit of the Lows....
because they make me remember how good the highs were.
Like Seeing a crouched over lady.... Hearing "Watch this" and everything that came after that.
Living off that bag of Dunster's donuts and the 1/2 gal of Jack at Scott's
The street dance.
Hampden cops
Rick's Gramp's place.
Paying for tolls with empties.
Roof surfing on the mustang. Back when roof surfing seemed to be cool.
Music & drinking.
It has been on Hell of a ride.
I am glad I took it and can't wait to see where it gets me in the end.
I'll Leave you with This...
Strangeness in the way of a blog tonight but.... seems to be the mood as of Late.
That is all for now I guess.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sit Down and Walk it off!
And I have to say I stand by my advice!!! I think I should have used it myself! ;0)
Nothing Too amazing...
Just a Little band by the name of "SkiDmarK UnderwHere and the WiiTards"
Another Incredible party!
Kudos to Colleen for getting it all together... Rick for Having his celebration late when we could all unwind... and everyone else for all of the entertaining times!
As alway with one of the get-to-gethers that we all tend to frequent... We get going and then start joking and laughing and one thing seems to be the focal point.
Well we had a few this time.
1] The big Lure. That thing got some mileage!
2] Guitar Hero. I think we ALL know that I don't have what it takes to be a rockstar.... I Was NOT holding my own while ... In a "Rock-n-Roll" state of Mind. But Jessi is Scary good!!!!
3] Hotdog-in-A-Hall. I mean.... From Either side THAT is NOT a good discussion!
4] Nicole's Level of Stalkdom. I was just sayin' ... She should be thank full that the Naked NOT-Gay Room renting Umbrella adjuster hasn't set his sights any higher... he seems to be a creepy but harmless Stalker type that couldn't keep up with the Hollywood types. ;0)
And really who doesn't like to look out and see a durango with Lights out Rollin' dirty on a slow roll... THAT is when you know that your party has made it!
I'll Leave you with This...
As Always.... I am glad for the friends I have and that they are alot of fun to party with!
You guys all made it a great night! Thanks again!
That is all for now I guess.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Not so Heavy
The ride home from work with Rick had me laughin' and joking all the way home.
"Glug glug glug" goes the algae...
Have to change the filter in the pool tomorrow... we treated it with that pool shock stuff and then have been running the filter pretty much non-stop since.
It is one of those things that just falls under the Summer maintenance things I guess, and if we don't change them regularly it will end up all cloudy and gross.
Well, Aint I just a bucket full of fun
I don't seem to be that amusing as of late. I dunno.
I am looking forward to a good time tomorrow night... I am even drinking Water in preparation for the Guitar Hero rock-a-thon. ;0p
I'll Leave you with This...
How much wood could a wood chuck, chuck if a wood chuck could chuck would.... and more importantly DO THEY EVER really just Deciiiiiiiiiide to chuck wood??? I mean Like Outta the blue? Thanks for reading Ingrid.
That is all for now I guess.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Really really really....
Something rather rare happened today.
I had a panic level urge to have a cigarette several times today.
I did not have one But It was pretty friggin' close I will tell you.
Nothing amazing...
I don't really feel as if I have anything amazing or even amusing to say tonight.
Not in a BAD way, but in a " Meh" kinda way... Maybe it is just me.
Another title
I had a dream that i was throwing playing cards at people and hurting them.
Not like mortally wounding them but seriously poking them with them and stuff.
Not sure why.
It was strange.
I'll Leave you with This...
Do you think people get into cycles that collectively effect the group as a whole?
You know ... it is like the individuals can feel the net effect of the.... I dunno how to accurately describe it.... but Like a "Pressure without direction" closing over the world and you feel it changing moods and attitudes of the people you are with or around?
I dunno... Maybe it is just me?
That is all for now I guess.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Living Like a Rock star!
Well... I swear today was one of the reasons I really love working where I do....
I have been putting in some long hours lately since Lighting struck on Friday.
It has been one issue after the next and I have been constantly working on something or other.
When we finally got the phones online and functioning the Voice mail equipment still wasn't working Like it should be.
After plenty of Creative work I got the cards I needed to function working and installed and brought the equipment back up.
When I got in to work this morning My boss sent out a message thanking me and telling everyone that I had saved the company $$ and should be thank when they saw me.
As the day went on I was getting thanked so much while walking around that it was like being a rock star... well... with out all the excessive drinking, addiction, Groupies and the world tour thing.... but other wise.... JUST Like being a rock star.
Well needles to say It made today a very good day.
I am still longing for the weekend.
I'll Leave you with This...
In general... I am ready for Drinks and Guitar hero 1 & 2 Now if Ingrid suddenly starts Playing Guitar hero and drinkin' Crown & Cokes or Seventy-Sevens..... I am gonna get serious stalk points... But she's NOT a rock star.... I'm a rock star!
That is all for now I guess.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Voice mail, Food poisoning and Guitar Hero. Oh my.
I ended up working late again tonight.
I swear I am damn tired lately.
On the up side, I got the Voice mail system fixed and saved work a decent amount of Cash.
Food poisoning...
I swear I will never Eats food from "Deb's Variety" EVER again. NEVER!
Guitar Hero 1 & 2
I have a copy of Guitar Hero 1 & 2 and a wireless Guitar....
What is the problem you ask?
Well... We don't have a PS2.
I talked to Shawn who has stared looking around with his friends to see what turns up.
Why do I have the Games then?
Well... I have been reading up on ways to Hack the game and include the songs that you want.
So I am working on that now.
I really am a true geek.
*does air guitar pose*
I'll Leave you with This...
In general... I am looking forward to Saturday.... Good friends and plenty of Birthday fun.
That is all for now I guess.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Happy Birthday To a truly great Bud!
I figured that this would would be about the best Happy Birthday I could throw your way... I mean other than Knocking back a some drinks with Slash himself.
Happy Birthday Bro!
Oooh And just because I know it is Ingrid's Fave....
and one for me.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Triple Sevens
Well, for 7/7/07 the Morning Damn sure wasn't all that friggin' lucky, But we will see how the night plays out.
Fun Tonight...
Had a great time at Rick & Colleen's.
I missed hanging out with them... so it was nice to get together and bitch and laugh and generally have a good time and a few drinks
Another Blog???
Well... The Last one was to take care of the Tagging I received and this one is to say thanks for the great night.
I'll Leave you with This...
I think I get double credit for the dual blog. Off to Stalk.
That is all for now I guess.
Tagged.... Like frickin' forever ago.
I was tagged by Colleen like FOREVER ago.
However, I seem to be an absolute Blog Slack~Ass.
So this is how it works. I must post the rules (That would be these), 7 random things about me (I am getting to that part) and then tag others to do the same (Ingrid, I think it's just me and you doll face... So I pretty much am just gonna pick you... Just a warning). Sound fair enough, right? These are the rules…. each player starts with 7 random facts about themselves on their Blog. People who are tagged need to blog 7 facts about themselves and post the rules as well. At the end of their blog list 7 people you are tagging. Let them know that they are tagged by leaving them a comment.
My Seven facts...
My facts go a Little something like this:
1.] I didn't think I would live this long... so every day is like a bonus.
2.] My first serious relationship was my First day of School... on the bus. We had on the same jacket except hers was pink and mine was Blue.... Now I know you are all saying.... but Your PARENTS bought those coats for both of you... and to you I say... I was in Kindergarten for Christ's sakes... It was important to us! I mean C'mon.... Brad and Angelina's relationship is about as flimsy!
3.] When I was young I thought I seriously was gonna be a rock star.... Like seriously BELIEVED it was just a matter of time... So I started trying to erode my liver early and get hooked on what I could.... As a Rock star I wouldn't need any Pesky "Filtration system" for the temple of the rock god! ya know that whole Beautiful corpse thing.
4.] I was electrocuted. ...and what I remember of it.... wasn't fun. and it sure as hell didn't look anything like in the cartoons!
5.] I write poetry
6.] I like the number nine... In fact I like it so much that I actually gave it the proper respect of actually spelling it out as opposed to just typing "9" like everyone else does. 13 is my second favorite number... but obviously it doesn't rate as high... ya know with the whole "13" straight up typed out there. yup... this is the shit that infects my thoughts.
7.] I stalk Ingrid..... A lot. Like really. Seriously... I probably have a different window open right now checking out whatever she has written about. Nothing gives me greater pleasure. Well okay... that part isn't true... but it is a pretty decent way to pass some time.
...and By "Facts" you meant "Reality based facts" Right?
Juuuuuust checkin'. Seriously.... those are real.
I'll Leave you with This...
I know I haven't blogged in awhile... So... There it is. It is the first step in my recovery.
That is all for now I guess.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Abnormally Happy... Revived Five... or Nine
So here goes:
The Fabulous Five Plus~
1:] Kate Beckinsale
She is the hotty from Underworld. And to quote that big dumb jock from American pie... "Suck Me beautiful!" Ya see what I did there.. with the reference to the sucking... and the Vampire... and the ... She is just fucking hot okay.... so she gets top honors of shaggin' me for like three... maybe four whole minute straight! Maybe longer if she gets a head start on me... I would give her straight "Freight train Love" ... That is where I pull into town, hit the station and she better not be looking at the Train schedule or some shit like that... Cuz' when this train leaves the station If you ain't on board... We ain't swingin' back around while you try to figure out if this is the train to Albuquerque or where ever... We is going to Sexopolis.. Woo-muthafahkin'-who! I am so romantic... Some time I make even Me wanna cry. That is how sensitive I am.
2:] - Milla Jovovich
She was Leeloo in the Fifth Element, and she played Joan of Arc in "the Messenger" ... And she is fine a frog hair.
3:] Alyssa Milano
Ooooooooooh I would show her "Who's the Boss"! Yeah.... and like the character that played her Gran on that show... She'd be a "Mona" >rimshot< I know that sounded dirty... so I knew I needed to use it.
4:] Jessica Alba
I mean C'mon... the fucking invisble girl... On her that is a total waste of a talent! I mean c'mon... "Uuuum Yeah... I am like so fuckin hot my clothes catch fire when I try to get dressed... cuz' I'm Naked at the time... As a "Super (or should it be 'Stupid') power" ... I turn invisible"
geez Louise!
On a side note... in the past I dated a couple of young ...Ladies That I WISHED had that feature. >Grins all wicked< but needless to say that was not nice of me.
5:] Rebecca Romijn-Stamos
Now that she is no longer getting' "Stamosed" I would take a crack at that Blue fleshed Lil' she~Minx freak of X-men Fame.
Honorable mentions]
1:] Soleil Moon Frye (AKA "Punky Brewster")
Not WHEN she was Punky Brewster, When she Became "HolyCrapSheHasHugeBoobsIThinkILikeHerSheMakesMeAllTinglely"
2:] Lori Petty
She was Tank Girl... Yummy Lil' Freak! It is something about her Voice I think... I really am not sure if I wanted her OFF the top Five or not... but in the end... I think she slip just shy of the top five... But to be honest... after Rebecca got "Stamosed"... Does something like that wash off? If I think about it for awhile.... Lori might make it back on my List.... She has been on the List since 1991 (Point Break) so it really was a decision I didn't take lightly.
3:] Jaime Pressly
Any one that watches My name is Earl... (She is Joy) The episode where they are on cops.... and she is talking dirty to him telling him what she is gonna do to him.... He puts a finger to her lips and says "Shhhh... you had me at Balls" ... Pure Friggin' magic I tell ya!
4:] Uma Thurman
Something about her. I have had a thing for her since I saw Jennifer Eight. Not to mention her Total Kick-Assedness in the Kill Bill Movies and Pulp fiction.
I wondered why why there weren't any musicians on here... I don't have any sort of Idea...
but I will tell you that a couple of cartoon chicks damn near made the list. ;p
I mean c'mon I got as much chance of Nailin' Jessica Rabbit as I do Jessica Alba! But what ever.
I'll Leave you with This...
That is all for now I guess.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Stalked by Proxy on Pimpin' Ave!
I had the best time at my birthday party and wanted to thank everyone that came.
I need to upload some pictures of the festivities as soon as I get a chance.
There are all kinds of new Signatures on the bar now. ;0)
Birthday Fun...
Things went very well.....
For those of you that didn't make it... There was plenty of drinks to go around... just the right amount of wiffleball... by the way... who in the hell thought it was a good idea that I ump when we were at bat..... KerRist.... I think Nick threw like fourteen pitches straight across the plate before I realised I should be looking for such things as "Strikes" and "Balls"
I mean C'mon.... I was just trying to keep Balls from getting Struck! I may have had a few to many to Officiate any sort of organized sporting event besides quarters!
All this AND a Stalker?! Niiiiice!
Well... as I jumped about from small group to small group talking with everyone that was there I realized the great thing about having friends is what the bring with them in the relationship.... NO I am Not referring to the Pimp stick, the sign, the Crown, or cards and cash... (Though that shit was pretty great I will tell ya!)
I am talking about all those special things that you get... like a dedicated stalker or just really great info on dolphins and the Subtle differences between Bestiality and Zooerastia.
Well i have to say... You can put a price on stuff like that... well I mean I suppose you could... but... would it be subject to state and federal taxes as well? [Shrugs] Just more of the important details that I ponder.
I'll Leave you with This...
As the party was winding down and the last of the guests (Colleen & Rick) were heading out for the night...
Rick was standing on the porch with Sean and Colleen was at the door...
She turn back to us and said... "...and WHO was the Last one to leave?" and smiled as she stepped out through the door.
Rick Looked at her as she walked by, then looked at us.
Then he stepped fully back into the house stood for a second, Smiled and stepped out and followed her.
All in all.... It was a Great time.
Thank you all for coming & I look forward to seeing you the next chance I get!
That is all for now I guess.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
House full of kids
There is all kinds of giggling and Laughing and jokes about Butts and Farts.
Of course no one feels the need to go to the bathroom or get a drink or want a snack until I shut off the TV and the lights.
Well... that pretty much is how kids are though.
Loooong Night ahead...
I swear I think they are gonna be up all night at this rate. ;0P
Don't let me fool ya...
I knew what we were in for when I said yes and I expected every single bit of it.
I don't get to see them nearly as much as I would like... So when We get the chance to have them over for the night we like to.
It is one of those things where if you blink you will miss them when they are young enough to still find you amusing and want to be around you.... So I like to have the time to make them laugh and think that I am the crazy uncle (Not a difficult role for me to play I might add.) I know that they remember the time that we spend with them and look forward to it... so I am gonna go back in and make sure they are tucked in and give them all some grief for a bit.
I'll Leave you with This...
I have loved this long weekend so far, and all of the work that we have gotten done.... more to do before my get together but I am sure we will get it all done.
That is all for now I guess.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
A bit of a break through
I was inspired to draw like crazy last night I tell ya.
Thinking about summer...
Rick's comment on my last blog made me think about the 4th of July.
I am looking forward to getting a big kidfest going this year.
I can't wait.
Man have I got a headache
I am talking the "Kick in the face" kinda headache... I think I need more coffee.
I'll Leave you with This...
In general... My mental block seems to be past... so we shall see what is in store for me.
That is all for now I guess.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Spinning my Wheels
I have been inspired alot lately but can't seem to get it out.
I write..... and it isn't exactly what I want it to be.
I draw.... and it isn't how I saw it in my head.
Frustrating I tell ya.
I have tons of ideas in my head... and if I could get paid on ideas alone... I'd be a frickin' Gah-jillionaire right now.
But as it is.... I haven't heard "BEEP...BEEP....BEEP" and seen that truckload of money backin' into the driveway yet.
Can't Wait...
With the Lil' bit of Spring that we have had My "Summer~Lust" has returned with a vengeance.
I Love Summer time and pretty much everything about it.
I love camping with the family.
I love going to camp.
Which reminds me.... As Public notice we will most likely be stealing Sean (and Jessi if she is interested) when we are at the Camp on Swan Lake.... and the "parental figures" can consider this an invite as well.... but they should know by now that they need no official invitation. Ever.
If you all are around I think Sean would have a blast down there.... I know that my man-cub does. ;0)
So when we head out there we will probably be abducting kids.
Bring on the Summer!
I am ready!
I want swimming and camping and the whole nine yards!
I'll Leave you with This...
In general...
That is all for now I guess.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mother's Day Special.
Thankful for the better half on this special day.
I could come up with an endless supply of them...
Most importantly I suppose is that she makes me whole.
Not in that sappy Jerry McGuire kinda way... but in that I really don't think I function well with out her.
When we became parents it was probably the single most incredible thing that could have happened to straighten me out.
The devil is in the details...
This is my way of saying that until that day there were several things I loved about her.
...and our wedding day was the thing that ranked up there.
But anyone that has had little fingers wrapped around their pinky realizes that your spouse takes the second most important date award. Now That is not top take away from Momhood... Because without them the most incredible time couldn't have happened.
I am lucky to be blessed with our son and The better half to take care of us.... Because i will say... I don't really like thinking about a possibility of doing it alone.
Never Blog when Tired
Well... I don't think I am getting this out correctly.
I seem to be losing my words when it comes to listing the wondrous things I Love and enjoy.
There are alot.
I'll Leave you with This...
In general... She is great and keeps me outta trouble so I can spout off nonsensically on this electronic sounding board.
That is all for now I guess.
Friday, May 11, 2007
...And along came a spider
Holiday... approaching.... Must... celebrate..... Motherhood.
Well not my OWN... but ya know the deal.
Last Night...
Things at the house were like being in the seventh ring of hell.
The temperature was causing the paint to bubble and the carpet to smolder. There were fans going in every direction.
Now.... correct me if i am wrong but I was whining like a Lil' girl with a skint knee about the cold just a lil' while ago wasn't I?
Man... I swear I need something to belly ache about. well.... Thank god there is never a shortage of stuff that pisses me off then Huh!
Well... My house has looked more and more incredible each day that I pull into the driveway with Rick... It is amazing that all of those flowers just magically planted them selves and the path appeared out of thin air... and.... and... and...
Do I need to keep going on and on about how my Lil' Garden Fairy has been busily working her bum off? No? Well, it Looks great and Rick said so as well.... not sure if I had passed that on or not.
I'll Leave you with This...
In general...
I am feeling good and can't wait to get some clean-up and Yard work in this weekend. I hope it is as gorgeous out as it has been.
That is all for now I guess.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
All the small things...
Well, I haven't had much time to blog lately...
Not that I have been over run or anything.
Just all of the small things that chip away at your day.
They seem like nothing as you go about doing your day-to-day thing, Buuuuuuuut as you get to the end of your day you look back and go "What the hell did I do all day?"
I figured I would take a few minutes to get things right here.
I have been very busy at work and things are going great, There is alot to get done with all the changes at work... but they are going well. We just have ALOT that was not on our radar before... 'Nuff Said.
Strange days
Yesterday was a weird day full of strangeness both at home for the better-half and for me at work. At home there was the "Alarm-O-thon" Fun-fest. At work it was a day full of run six steps forward while juggling only to slide back nine... you know general project management Fun~ness. Just strange.
I wanted to say a Late "Thank you" to Rick & Colleen for a great time & great food on Cinco de Mayo. I had a great time.
Last night The better half Spoiled me rotten with bacon wrapped Scallops and Cheesy Rice plus Slabs of wondrous Pork as well!
It was great and I feasted like a king!
I'll Leave you with This...
In general... I have rebuilt three computers at the house recently.
Anytime I have been in front of a computer at home... I have been rebuilding it. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice... ya know because I don't get nearly enough time working on computers [Laughs] ;0)
So, There are fresh new installs throughout the house. The computers are running great now so I really don't have any valid excuses why I wouldn't update from this point forward. ;0)
I have some catching up to do on Blogs so I will comment as soon as I have a few minutes.
That is all for now I guess.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
My Battle between good and evil
I had taken up the task of cleaning the house...
So that the better half would not return to utter chaos & turmoil the Likes of which she had I am sure envisioned when leaving.
And that.... THAT is where this adventure begins.
Where is my sword?
I thought I had things under control.... However "Things" had another opinion of how things were to go.
So the Man-cub and I have been feed well by Friends and Family and the times when we weren't... You know the deal... "Pizzas.... and keep 'em comin'!" So he and I only opened the Fridge to get out cold water and pack his lunches for school.
So I being of sound mind and dubious determination for things such as these... decided that I would get the garbage to the unholy Landfill. An easy enough task.
Grab the bag and begin by picking up the debris that the dog had spread throughout the downstairs (Okay... so now you know the real reason I chose Saturday as Garbage day) Gathering it back together and containing it.
I move on and get all of the small "Pods" of garbage that seem to appear in every spare nook & Cranny of space... not to mention when it is just two guys in a house those friggin' pods Multiply... I swear!
So all of that wrangled... I stacked the mountain of pizza boxes next to the bags. It was now time for the main quest... the part that can break a Lesser man...
Hell... I have seen your gaping mouth...
Pulling the half empty bag near to me... I crouched at the Portal to the dark realm.... The Fridge! Okay... I am famous for having a spoon full of something ALMOST in my mouth and hollering in through to the other room "....Baby is this <insert food name here> Still good?" and usu\ally the answer is "DON'T eat that!!!!" Well let me just say... the stuff I pulled outta the fridge.... Even I had no interest in eating it! NONE!
I swear... I didn't think I had been "Fending for Myself" for even a whole week at that time... But there were creatures in there that seemed much older....
I blame the Fridge trolls because... um well other wise I am thinking it is my fault. The stuff I pulled out... I know I put in there if those trolls didn't.... DAMN TROLLS! can't be trusted I say.
I'll Leave you with This...
Basically... I have rid the house of things that were in need of a burial ceremony... and I even have picked up a little.... but ya know, I probably did it totally wrong. [Laughs] ...but isn't it the effort that counts?
That is all for now I guess.