Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fuckity **Scream** fuckfuck!!!!!!

How the fuck do I turn of that "Reaction" bar at the bottom of the comment! [Edit] I remembered how to turn it off

I swear I shouldn't modify my layout while drinking, then disappear for a long period of time, then come back and look and go....
"Uuuum WTF!"

Any way...

Some reasons Ingrid isn't currently Blogging
  • The 2nd annual Hobo Stacking and BarBq-off
  • "a little incident with the boogeyman"
  • She is in the other room Hiding in my closet neck deep in a pile of my undergarments.
  • She has a splinter in her Blogging finger
  • She went on a sabbatical (sorry Rick had to steal the word)
  • She is currently incarcerated for threatening to make "Sweet Sweet Love" to the crossing guard down by the school... but in her defense He was throwing out that vibe.
  • She was a deep cover operative for the CIA and after gathering all of the data she has been called back.
  • There was an alien invasion in the night. She was able to fend off the probing for several hour but after they bought her drinks and told her she was pretty and that they just wanted to cuddle... Well you know the deal. those fuckers are pretty damn smooth. I hope we see her again soon... but to be honest they may have let her drive and at 42XLightspeed it may take awhile for her to find her way back... and you KNOW that before Trogdoor the Blarjeelian shows her how to use the navigation system to get back to this steadily swirling blue clump of space matter he is gonna need some "Them" time. And "Once you go Blarjeelian..."
Those are SOME of the reasons... I will get back to you with the rest.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

How the hell did this happen?

I think I am getting old.


A Pepsi commercial? **Sigh**

Okay so & Bob Dylan... Or I suppose ACTUALLY Bob Dylan & do a split screen performance of Forever young that I actually have become kinda addicted to.

But... a fucking Pepsi commercial.... Man.
I mean, I could have been good with like... I dunno... a Beer... or an alcohol comercial....

I mean the whole Escaping reality and "Chasing Youth" with alcohol is like a given.

But anyway.

I actually think that I appreciate the song more at that tempo with stomping in there in that prickish smooth way he does.

So yeah... Just one more shadowy piece of the confusing puzzle that I am sure most of you wish you never knew about.... I know that when it comes to music more often than not Julie rolls her eyes and walks off shaking her head.

Alright I have stained this here corner of the web enough.... for now I guess.

Ooooh and anyone who is wondering... Work is slowing down a bit. So I should be able to haunt these halls again with a little more regularity.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nothin' in the english language...

Or I suppose "Have ya been to the doctors lately" would have been just as good a title.

Sorry but this had me absolutely crackin' up.

and yes... This is the stuff I find funny.