You all know I got a new ride.
You all know that the only thing the Volvo would be half way good for in the base car in a monster car rally as far as I care.
You know I have been absent from blogging long enough that I expected to see frickin' "Missing" posters with my picture on em posted around our little corner of the interweb.
You can probably all guess that I am looking forward to sat night.
and You can probably also guess... that no I haven't had a second to edit any video... work has been crazy busy lately.
What you probably didn't know is that I have testicles the size of a Moose.... (and yes Rick they are mine they aren't just a spare set that AJ dropped when he was busy Losing the singing contest 2 Xmas' ago.)
Web Disclosure:
It is quite possible that while this particular blogger has testicles and said testicle do belong to, and are attached to aforementioned blogger. They may however not resemble the testicular appendages of the animal commonly referred to as the "Alces alces americana (moose)" ...Or around these parts as "swamp donkey". All things being equal This blogger figures that this entry alone should testify to the relative comparative nature in "Theoretical Moose" size because as far as this blogger is concerned Anyone that can hold Multi generational attention while spouting on in third person narrative about ones one sack.... well. Lets be honest I do believe it takes nuts to do that. ...and before one of you wise asses hits me back with this... you had to squint to read this... but trust me... you would be squintin' if my nuts were right here.