Saturday, November 29, 2008

Lights, camera..... wait for it.... wait for it


Well I have been working on getting the idea for my first spoof film tightened up.
Which basically has involved having a few drinks and talking stupid ideas out... and by stupid I mean Freakin' awesome!

So I am gonna start doing a little guerrilla filming once I get the details worked out and then I should be posting some web junk.
Now I make no promises on how good the movies are gonna be... but I do think it is gonna be fun to film.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So... Fuck Vista and the Dell it rode in on!

Yup.... you heard me.

I have had enough. I am and will always be a dyed in the wool geek at heart... don't get me wrong... but Well the two new Dell Laptops showed up carrying the Plague called vista.

I thought…. Alright…. I have avoided progress long enough. I am going to just dig in and figure vista out from the ground up.


So I gave it a go. I tinkered, I toyed, I even mucked around a bit. I have had, to date four Catastrophic failures between the two Laptops.

Last night mine shit the bed on me do to a windows update.

I have recovered mine to a point that I can get to my stuff and get it off there.

Then that fucker is being rebuilt with XP sp3!


I know all of my apps run smoothly on XP. I know that it doesn't decide to shit it's cookies out for no other reason than it is sunny outside. I know that I can navigate around in XP without being prompted for the stupidest shit unless I hobble the system. And I know that I can't remember the last time I felt like flinging an XP laptop through a window (Well in all honesty… I actually can… but I will say it was PRE sp1!)


So tonight I will clear everything off and get all my XP drivers burnt to disc… and then it's on like muthfuckin' donkey kong!


Ooooooooooh yeah…. So I was gonna save this for another blog but I will go into detail later (I am sure I will babble on endlessly) I have a new digital camcorder with all the fixins so I intend to start whoring my movie editing skillz (Uuuuum yeaaaaaah) out and doing some youtube posts…. More on that when I have something worth watching.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The apple don't fall far from the tree...

So the better half and I were sitting down relaxing with the boy in front of the oh mighty boob tube when a car commercial came on it was one of those "Fully loaded" vehicles with a DVD player & in-seat screens.
The mancub looks over at us and says in all seriousness...

"I'm gonna get me a car with one of those TVs in the seats.... then I can live in it. Then all you need is a blanket and you can just go where ever you want and watch TV and go to sleep. you know I could go to work at like burger king or some where and pull into work and be like 'Hey Boss!' and I could live in the driveway at work."

It was at this point the wife was looking at me trying not to laugh.... she says... "Did you every tell him about that or do you think it's just genetic?" and starts to laugh.

OK... Look... I didn't have any fancy TVs and DVD players in the car.... hell sometimes I was lucky to have heat!

I think that you are either born with the gypsy lifestyle ingrained in the very fiber of your being or you don't have it.

I am hoping that he shoots a little higher than BK.... but ya know It is a step forward from the "I am NEVER moving out of this house... the kids can get on the bus here" statement from a few years back.

So.... needless to say the smiles laughing and discussions about living in a car continued for awhile... Damn my kid cracks me up.
and I have to say... I have a new found respect for what my parents went through... I think I should give them a hug next time I see them and share this little gem of wisdom with them.... somehow.... I suspect that they won't be all that surprised.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Chinese Democracy & Free Dr. Pepper

OH YES Boys and Girls. Oh Yes!

The world has tipped on it's axis (Or on it's Axl if you are that big a fan)
It is the first sign of the Apocalypse... you do know that don't you?

Kill her... F_ck her... But just get ON with it!

Dinner & Movie

So we watched Twilight as you all know.
Well I have to say I liken the experience to that of watching a school play when your kid isn't in it.
I DID NOT enjoy the movie.

Now I'll be honest I didn't expect to like it that much... but was hoping to be surprised.
I wasn't surprised for the reason I had hoped.
Through most of the film I was hoping that he would just tear her throat out and be done with it.

The one saving grace (In my twisted mind at least) is Alice.
That chick is ten kindsa awesome wrapped up in a kickass little neck-snappin' frame.

So having said all that let me give you a rundown of how the movie could have been better.

  1. When Bella all but pulled her panties to the side for Edward... He coulda DONE SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!! (Like my blog title implies!)
  2. Edward could have been at least slightly less of an all around Pussy (just for starters)
  3. There could have been more killing and maybe an explosion worthy of mention.
  4. See #1 (Once again... fer the love of Christ the girl wanted you about as far inside of her as your pansy ass could have made it... I mean damn at least show the girl a couple hardcore seconds of your Vampire love.)
  5. They could have done a cross-over and let Edward use the "Port Key" from his last wondrous role and maybe he could have jumped straight into talent.... or at least a couple of acting classes.
  6. AND THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ONE SO PAY ATTENTION. The cock-knocking, swill gargler that ALLOWED "Edward" to think he was talented enough to play and sing the song for the soundtrack should have been dragged on screen and had his entrails pulled slowly out through his rectum with a spork. IF you thought his acting was bad.... Oooooh his singing will take you to a very dark place... and NOT in a good way. (that WONDERFUL little singing that you hear warbbling in the back ground as Bella is eating in the resturaunt... yup you guessed it... That is the sissy immortal himself.... don't believe me... check the credits.)
  7. When I left the movie someone could have met me at the theater doors and Knelt down in front of me begging me to forgive them for haven taken my money and then refunded the total cost of the tickets and given me movie passes good for as many movies as I would like for the remaning years I had left on this filthy dirtclod called earth. That might have come close to squaring up.
Those are just a few of my observations.
So... I wonder if the sequel will be any good? >.<

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Effin' tripleX~hausted!!!

10 kindsa tired
I swear... I don't know whether I am awake or asleep most of the time lately. I feel like the walking dead.
I haven't stopped moving for I-don't-know-how-long.
It seems I am always lifting something far heavier than I would like, or moving something that doesn't really want to be co-operative....
I just want Sleep.
Crawl into bed, pull the covers over my head, shut the door and just go to sleep.
So regardless of what anyone may think.... I am just Fuckin' tired right now... so don't feel that I am avoiding anyone. I just want some fuckin' sleep.
LOTS of sleep!