Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New basic layout.... not much else though

I am trying out a new basic layout.

Not much else... just tired.

I will tweak the layout more later.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Why Rick & I aren't allowed at the petting zoo.

'Nuff Said.

I Never listen...

...and THIS is what i get for it!

Testing my Scribefire setup with FF3

"This is a test of the emergency Blog network....
This is only a test....
Had this been a real blog you would have been inundated with utter hilarity and all around awesomeness... This is only a test. >>insert wicked annoying noise here<< "

Alright this will look different I am sure....
I needed to test FireFox3 and ScribeFire to make sure that everything wasn't completely screwed.

We shall see how it looks.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Bring it on!

Today is Friday!!!
It seems I have been doing side work for everyone and their brother lately.
I swear it is a good thing I have insomnia!
Finished up most of the work have a little bit more but I am going to do the Man-cubs Birthday party Saturday and have a couple of the boys sleep over so I won't be doing much "work-type" stuff It will be celebrating' time.

Setting up the pool...
Well... a funny thing happened on the way to getting the pool set up...

I swept off the area where the pool was going to live.... No sweat (Well okay... my tubby ass was sweating like a kitten in an Chinese restaurant)
I Laid out the tarp that was to be the "Extra buffer layer"... Simple (I laid it down as smooth as a Vegas lounge lizard's come-on lines)
Flopped down the pool all six thousand five hundred and forty two pounds of it... Easy (She laid over like a French whore on holiday)
Dragged out the Filter, Poles, Hoses and what not... Yup (You KNOOOOOW I can handle the hose!)

After setting every thing in place...
I had Zero, Nada, zip, bupkiss as far as connectors were concerned.... When it came time to hook it all up Micheal Jackson had a better shot at getting in Marie Osmond's panties than I had of getting that pool snapped together.

So basically.... My pool is nothing more than a ground covering mass of plastic and poles (not unlike a Paris Hilton video)

I will keep you updated on my adventures in Pool assembly as the whole thing progresses (After I get the connectors that thing should be up like the demand for Penicillin at the walk-in clinic. )

I'll Leave you with This...
Glad to see Ingrid joining in... and don't let anyone fool ya... the sticks aren't that sharp... and they beat the hell outta marathon card play (though I did find myself in a sudden death game of baccarat one time.... I had to break the tie that was made when I lost the "Extreme Go Fish" game to that one eye sword swallower from the bayou... that is a story for another time though)

Any way... sorry for the delay in blogging or commenting... but I really have been busy doing Work.

That is all for now I guess.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fondled electronics and Texting while drinking

Passed around like a cheap date.
Colleen and Nicole were fondling my sexy electronics last night.
They both have Blackberry envy but I thought Nicole was gonna make sweet sweet love to it. **whispers** It has been like 24hr since she had anything in her.... O_o
Well anyway.... 

Nothing short of amazing...
As always the group of friends that were there were great and the you couldn't have asked for a better time.

We took it easy on Chris I don't think anyone said "Anal" at anything above a whisper.
We want to break him in slow but not treat him with kid gloves at the same time.
I can already tell that the indicator of a good party will be the quality of Game camera pictures that are up loaded the next day.

Wii Fit
Julie had me laughing when she jumped off the wii fit pad when the calendar came up to stamp it.
Oooooh Like hell I am going to commit to some Workout routine!

Nicole proved that she has incredible Wii Fit yoga balance and I tried to distract her by waggling my blackberry in front of her to throw herballance off. Who knew that she was all drippy for a blackberry... She fondled mine like it had been 24hrs since... alright... I think you guys know the rest.

I didn't dare crawl my sexy self all up on that wii fit... it would have been to hard for me to learn that my Wii fit age was 69 and had a potbelly! I don't wanna kill the dream!

Texting Ingrid was all the rage last night.... I holla'd at her a few times (after prying the thing outta Nicole's fingers that is)
...and Ingrid those really were text messages from me as well.... if you are going to be coming to some of these get togethers.... you have to be ready for the abuse! ;0)

I'll Leave you with This...
I gotta head up to Lowe's and then off to Toy'sRus so I am off to fight with the mindless masses... see you all at the next get together.

That is all for now I guess.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Would you rather... Get a shower rod at Walmart OR Call me back.

Last night's party...
First off let me say thanks to all of you that came it was a great time.
I had a blast playing the games and eating the awesome food.... I thought I was gonna pop!

Laughing until my sides hurt...
what do I love about the fact that we play games.... The conversations that get started.
My sides were hurting by the time I crawled into bed.
I knew it was going to be a funny night as the game got started.
When ever we play a game.... Time CAN NOT be a factor.... just pitch the sand filled timer right back in the box along with the rules... Because we are just going to play the game however the hell we feel like it and Timing each turn just won't work. We have an average of three conversations going at any time.
So... we made up the rules to fit what we wanted and tried to fit game play in around discussions of the Fonz and anal sex.... NOT Anal sex WITH the Fonz.... But then I don't swing like that.
**Does a gesture that draws great attention to his FIST**
It may have been the Tupperware that SOME of us were drinking out of... I don't know
Nicole and I were guarding the Monkey bread like we would fuck up anyone that considered sticking their fingers in "OUR" Monkey bread!
Ooooh and so you all know I am "Slow talking" as I write this... so to read it... Make sure that you interject a lot of "Uuuums" and a ton of indecision. So Reading this should take you two - three days... and you should wind up more confused about why you started than when you began.

I am an appleweed enabler
Yup... I am helping Rick fulfill his dream of being like Johnny Appleweed
So he will be out there today spreading the seed Johnny Appleweed style... Laying it down.
A Little state mix maybe? You better hope that Henry doesn't find out that you are cross training... He will be waiting for us on Monday brother.

I'll Leave you with This...
**Sticks his thumb up in the air** "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey"
and of course
"It has been a Whoooooole day since I've had a **** in my ***!"
(I think that is my new favorite quote.)

That is all for now I guess.