Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I remember a time when...

I used to Blog
I have taken BlogSlackery to a level that if it were a religion.... I'd be the frigin' Pope.
Not that I should be proud of that or anything I am just sayin'... with me it seems that I have an all or nothing kinda attitude.

I think that is why they kicked me off the field hockey team... Ooooh Wait... I was more of a mascot.... But anyway.

Let me relay my blog slacker status to you in the form that I find the most fitting...

I shall now deal in verse in the form of such greats as Dr. Seuss.

I shall not Blog inside the box...

(This is not meant to be a take off any one Dr. Seuss piece but more just done in the pattern he happened to write in. )

One blog, Two blog
No blog, Some blog

The words dried up
they seemed to fade
I waited by
and counted days

I thought I was through
My words all done
I listed for voices
and I heard one

It told a tale
of blog-slack crime
I was to blame
So once again I made time

I typed and typed
and heard the sound
as keys were pushed
and words wrote down

I'll start with this
and go day to day
"Just post some stuff"
I heard you say

Post a poll
or post a quiz
For Christ sake
We don't care what it is!

Just post it here
and post it now
We've seen you write
& You know how

So stop this slacking
Stop the wait
Type something up
and make it great

start at the top
and work to the end
just be thankful for now
I am blogging again.

I will be headed for some warmer weather for a few days.

I'll Leave you with This...
Mahna Mahna (Check the video out if you haven't already.)

That is all for now I guess.