Sunday, April 29, 2007

My Battle between good and evil

...and in the beginning
I had taken up the task of cleaning the house...
So that the better half would not return to utter chaos & turmoil the Likes of which she had I am sure envisioned when leaving.
And that.... THAT is where this adventure begins.

Where is my sword?
I thought I had things under control.... However "Things" had another opinion of how things were to go.
So the Man-cub and I have been feed well by Friends and Family and the times when we weren't... You know the deal... "Pizzas.... and keep 'em comin'!" So he and I only opened the Fridge to  get out cold water and pack his lunches for school.
So I being of sound mind and dubious determination for things such as these... decided that I would get the garbage to the unholy Landfill. An easy enough task.
Grab the bag and begin by picking up the debris that the dog had spread throughout the downstairs (Okay... so now you know the real reason I chose Saturday as Garbage day) Gathering it back together and containing it.
I move on and get all of the small "Pods" of garbage that seem to appear in every spare nook & Cranny of space... not to mention when it is just two guys in a house those friggin' pods Multiply... I swear!
So all of that wrangled... I stacked the mountain of pizza boxes next to the bags. It was now time for the main quest... the part that can break a Lesser man...

Hell... I have seen your gaping mouth...
Pulling the half empty bag near to me... I crouched at the Portal to the dark realm.... The Fridge! Okay... I am famous for having a spoon full of something ALMOST in my mouth and hollering in through to the other room "....Baby is this <insert food name here> Still good?"  and usu\ally the answer is "DON'T eat that!!!!" Well let me just say... the stuff I pulled outta the fridge.... Even I had no interest in eating it! NONE!
I swear... I didn't think I had been "Fending for Myself" for even a whole week at that time... But there were creatures in there that seemed much older....
I blame the Fridge trolls because... um well other wise I am thinking it is my fault. The stuff I pulled out... I know I put in there if those trolls didn't.... DAMN TROLLS! can't be trusted I say.

I'll Leave you with This...
Basically... I have rid the house of things that  were in need of a burial ceremony... and I even have picked up a little.... but ya know, I probably did it totally wrong. [Laughs]  ...but isn't it the effort that counts?

That is all for now I guess.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

So I am Still alive....

It has been close a few times...
Not really. It has been fine. We miss the other half.
It seems like I am always going.
It seems that everyone has been looking after us.
Thanks to Colleen for the wonderful meal!
I am glad there isn't much time left to this whole "Single Parenthood" thing.

Spiderman mania building
We have Spiderman going right now in anticipation of the Third one coming out.
I can't wait!

I'll Leave you with This...
In general... I really think that I am not designed to be left on my own and can't wait for the other half to get back.

That is all for now I guess.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Bachelor & Son incorporated.

Temporarily a Bachelor.
Well, the wife got on a plane this morning.
She was up early... You know the nervous energy before a trip...
So, she double checked here stuff.
Grabbed some coffee and then came up to snuggle me (Still warmly tucked into the covers with the fan blowin' on me)
We talked for a bit and then jumped in the shower and headed out to pick up some convenience items for her trip.

To Nicky's...
After grabbing the things she needed we went to Nicky's Diner for breakfast.
Generally if one (or all) of us are taking a trip.... we tend to grab a meal at Nicky's.
I think that Nicky's & Noodles are pretty much where we go if we are going out to eat.
We are kinda Simple that way I guess.
But if you know what you like ... go with it.

A Week shouldn't be THAT long... Right?
Me and the Man-Cub have been joking that we are just gonna sit around in our underwear burpin' and grossing each other out.
Throw in a little Take out food and Total laziness.... and that is the plan.... just kiddin'
We usually take times like this and just hang out. spend quality guy time... and yes I am sure that does include a couple of rounds of "Pull my finger" and "Who smelt it, dealt it" but I mean c'mon... that really isn't a crime... Least not that I know of.
Last night the better half and I were talking and I said... "Well You  gotta go now."
She looked at me kinda weird and asked why.
I told her that We had already reserved the dancers and we wouldn't be able to get our deposit back.
I said The Man-cub had ordered the dancers so they were coming dressed as sponge bob.
To which she laughed.
But what makes it funnier is that over breakfast at Nicky's he Leaned over and whispered (Kinda loud out of the side of his mouth like kids tend to do) "When mom calls during the party we will just pretend not to be home and let the machine pick up" then he started smiling from ear to ear and  nudging me. The better half was Laughing at us saying.... See you've got him telling stories now.
You know what they say.... the scrogglins don't fall far from the tree.

I'll Leave you with This...
I am capable of surviving a week or so... no matter what the general consensus is. ;0)

That is all for now I guess.

Friday, April 20, 2007

How many ways to skin a cat?

Let me think...
This mornin' I thought of a few I will tell you!
Cats are funny creatures ya know.
They are capable of giving you this Lovey dovey look like "You are supreme ruler of the world I live in..."
What you may not realize as you walk around in a freshly woken state is that the rest of that statement goes "Until I get your unsuspecting ass near those stairs Bitch.... Then I will rule this world while I dine on the twisted carnage that is you mangle body in a heap at the base of the stairs!" 
So after making it down the stairs and glaring at "Her Royal Highness" I realized how much I like my dog.
She sat there licking her paws with a look that in my mind was translated into humanese as "Damn for a tubby bastard you are quite agile" She was almost kicked for that I will tell you.
Instead I brewed a pot of the Life force elixer that keeps me sane and took the wonderful dog out for her morning constitutional.
My dog is great.
Then there was coffee...
Things began to be less fuzzy as the caffiene seep it's way into my system.
coursing through my veins... delivering itself to my heart and brain... notifying them that they were indeed going to be needed for at least one more go around.
I gave the Dog a treat and tried not to translate for the cat anymore.  

As if attempted murder wasn't enough
So, Coffee cup in hand I turn to head to the next wonderous stage of the morning ritual.
The shower.
The most incredible invention.
My next goal is to get that shower from the commercial where the plumber is setting up the all around shower for the couple... and he is singing while taking a shower.... but anyway....
So... cup in hand turn, Lift foot to step, begin the step forward and Bam! Cat one ("Her Royal Highness") materializes outta thin frickin' air in the exact location that my foot SHOULD be touching down... So I do a spastic 1/4 step stagger and stick the landing. Not so much as Drop spilled as her "Voice" echoes in the back of my mind "This one is very practiced in the ancient art of Felinus Avoidicuss... I must think of something else!"
Kicking her seems like an even better option at this point I must say.
But.... I take the high road and proceed. The problem with my plan to continue on my chosen path is that after being a spectator to two attempt on my life the second cat ("ThickSkullapuss the slow") thinks.... "Ooooh we play game now"
So he begins to jump AT my feet as I pick them up and tries to lay across my foot WHILE I am still lifting it.
"Her Royal Highness" takes this as her cue... seeing the she has an accomplice... I slow witted and dense patsy basically... but an accomplice none the less she springs into action.  

and THAT is when all hell broke loose
So with one foot in the air, a cat dangling over my foot, a full cup of piping hot coffee and a second cat bent on taking me down... I realized this was the point when bad things would happen.
Following through with my step I faked the step forward. at the last moment a flung the cat dangling from my foot slightly skyward and quickly avoided the demon princess that had materialized in the spot my foot was headed.
Putting my foot down about the time that Skullapuss touched down somewhere near the sofa.
He looked like one of those Warner Brothers cartoons. He was running in the air before he touched down. The demon at my feet must have been able to translate the mumbling & muttering I was doing along with the glare into the Cat equivelant of "Your Next Bitch" Because she Peeled out it what can only be described as a spastic Mobius strip.... If you have made it this far without skimming you will remember that there was One cat running in the air that was touching down and that I have an awesome dog... So now for some quick animal math.... 1 Cat Running wildly trying to avoid death from above (AKA me) + 1 Cat running in the air with out a clue + 1 awesome dog that was taking care of me (AKA King of the house) = the funniest damn race track of animals I have seen. Karma (The Great dog) stood by the side as they were spazing out... and as the female Demon was buzzing by one of the times Karma stepped out into the way... the cat barrelled into here and ended up doing some weird pinwheely kinda thing.
My dog is great.
I still wanna kick the cat.  

I'll Leave you with This...
In general... Never trust your life to a cat. That's all I'm saying.

That is all for now I guess.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Out of the box

I have been working out of boxes. We had a bunch of moves at work on Friday. So we packed all our crap up into boxes and shuffled it all around. Needless to say.... I am still trying to find everything. All of the crap I have been working on.. You would think i would have put in ONE box.... but then again this is ME we are talking about here.
If I remember correctly my logic at the time went something like this. 
"Well... I have Alot of stuff I am working on and I want to be able to get to it first... So I will put it on TOP of these half empty boxes" 
Yeah great.... Now that the boxes have been shuffled all around and stacked up.... which ones were they???? 
So I have been pawing through boxes. What a pain.

Strange times...
Last week was strange. We were pretty much down to two of us in the office all week.
Then at the end of the week... we lost one person on a more permanent basis. He walked in said "hey hows it going" and they walked him back out.... Uuuuuuuuum... what just happened? Wasn't so-and-so just standing there??? Yeah... he no longer works here.  o_O
Oh crap... I guess we are all gonna be doing some extra coverage

Did anyone get the # of that Train?
I think I might not be a young buck anymore.... I love all the get togethers but it seems lately that a nap is in order if I manage some spectacular feat such as making coffee or taking a shower. I am sure everyone reading this has heard (More than they care to ;0P ) some of the stories of all the youthful Hijinx that rick and I got up to... and back then I think I would go days, weeks and months with out sleep.
Drinking enough to kill a fish and what have you ;0)
But I swear after three Birthday parties (For Kids!) you would have thought I had just returned from climbing Mt Fuji! My body is sore, I need a Nap, in general... I am a frigin' trainwreck!  

I'll Leave you with This...
This feels like it is gonna be a Loooooooooooooooooooooooooong week... We will see.

That is all for now I guess.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Clears back the Cobwebs...

Okay... I know
So I have taken Blog slacking to an All time High for me!
I have a lot of catching up to be doing on everyone's  blogs.
I have missed a few. 

Party Last Night...
Well Birthday Party.
Sean's Birthday was a good time. He did great being patient even though the poor Lil' guy was awful run down looking.

We were there early and it was kinda like watching a storm come in.
First,  a slight influx of  people and then slowly the house filled with people, the sounds of the party and the typical gathering noises.
Then  >>Bam<< everyone was gone. You could almost feel the sudden vaccum. Leaving the fluttering bits of confetti to settle behing everyone.
The after math of the party looking like the storm had rolled through.
Sean looked like he had a wonderful birthday and in the end that is what it is all about.

Another "Den of Screamin' girls"
Well... We have another Birthday party to go to today.
The Twin's Birthday party is at One today.
So, we will be in a house full of excited and hyper Girls again today.

I'll Leave you with This...
I need to keep up on my blogging... With all of the changes at work I hope I am not too tired to keep up. The Blogs may be shorter but I* will try to keep postin' them.

That is all for now I guess.