Sunday, December 16, 2007

THAT is what I bring to the party.

It was a hell of a good time...
I think that most of work should have something to talk about come Monday.
So, when the party gets to that point when "someone" has to tuck a jacket under their shirt and prance around while touching themselves seductively. THAT is when you know it is a good one.

Hell, I.... um I mean "The person" even had to do an encore performance.

The evening was great.
I won some prizes and I think i cemented my place in history as far as work goes.
I wasn't even wrecked or anything.
But the way that bartender was mixing it would've taken.... oh I dunno about thirty-three drinks to get hammered. ;0)

It was a great night.
I will write a better version of the evenings goings-ons in awhile and post it when I get a chance.

Many Thanks...
To Rick & Colleen. For getting my foot in the door so that I could make it to the Xmas party.

I'll Leave you with This...
I can't wait until the Xmas party at Rick & Colleens. Look forward to seeing everyone there.

That is all for now I guess.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

This is why... Just so you know

'Nuff Said.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Snow Day... Yeah right

Not for me...
It was a crappy day of driving in behind some jackass that was in his new mustang.
If by anychance that gentleman happens to read this... I would like to post a comment just for him.
"You sir, are a fuxStick... if you are going to buy a car that you only feel safe driving Five Fahkin' miles an hour... Do the world a favor stay home polish your car and then take your own life. please."

I mean for the love of peanut butter and jelly (actually Strawberry preserves to be more accurate) My truck doesn't even register til ten friggin' miles an hour... and before anyone asks. YES that is how it is labeled on the dash "10 Friggin' MPH... 20 Friggin' MPH... 30 Friggin' MPH " the verb changes after 70. ;P to that "Other" F-word I like.
So yeah this jack ass was going along clogging up the arteries of life.
I wanted to throw the truck in park, walk up next to him and tap on his window and ask if he needed me to push him out of the way.... because I wasn't sure if he was moving or not...

Then follow up with "Race ya for pink slips there speed racer."

Stupid annoying people piss me off.... in case you hadn't gathered as much.

All these words...
So Winter is here.... Damn it!

I'll Leave you with This...
Oh... I got the truck fixed.... but you probably guess from the winter road rage blog up there.

That is all for now I guess.